Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wis. January 28, 1952 Dear Dr. Anderson: I have your letter of the 22d, concerning the possibility of your holding a W.H.O. fellowship. I was most gratified that you would like to spend part of your fellowship in this laboratory. Unfortunately, the time you specified ~~ May and June 1952 -- could not have been more awkward. It is simply a matter of space. As things stand now, we are miserably overcrowded, to the point where we have not been able to provide one working desk free and clear for each of the students, assistants, and associates. We are not a large group: I have twe postdoctoral associates and four or five graduate students, together with a technical assistant and innumerable dishwashers, but our space at present is still grossly inadequate, so that we simply could not accomodate you in a fashion acceptable to yourself, not to menticn our ow burden. The picture for the latter part of this year and thereafter is much brighter. We shall be relieved first by some additional svace, and secondly by the emigration of part of the working staff. Is there any possibility of your postponing your fellowship? If you could arrange to be here at any time after November 1, 1952, and preferably early in 1953 I should be more than pleased to accomodate you, and there would be some lildklihood of a eatiafactory arrangement. If your plans will not allow of such an adjustment, I hope you will be able to make provision for a briefer visit this Spring. It would be more advantageous to us if you could visit for a longer time, but if that ie ruled out you might Pind a few days' visit etill profitable. f 4 : ‘ j 7 Yours eincefely, a -Josiua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics