THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN WISCONSIN PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE 1552 UNIVERSITY AVENUE MADISON 5S. WISCONSIN TELEPHONE AL 6-0636 April 2, 1958 Joshua Lederberg, M.D. Dept. of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin 202 Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: . Thanks for sending the clipping concerning my brother's appointment in Sydney from the "Age". My brother will have quite a readjustment to make when he returns to Australia after some 32 years. It will be quite an adjustment for his wife, who is American. The oldest son has already entered the Sydney University Medical School and will have to make the jump from the American educaticnal system to the Australian. We very much enjoyed our visit with you and the indirect contact with my native state of Victoria that you heve given has Meant a lot to me. Unfortunately, the pressures and responsibilities of the work I have undertaken have prevented me from considering a visit to Australia. Though 27 years have gome by, there is no prospect ahead of having the kind of tire necessary to make such a trip. * Regards to Esther and yourself. Sincerely yours, Bate 6 Cota Ledie Ae Osborn, M.De ? Director, Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute UNIVERSITY OF wiISCONSIN Director, Division of Mental Hygiene STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE LAOsg Jeni Oshern # feta