PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY SERVICE (Directed by the Medical Research Council for the Ministry of Health) Central interic teference Laboratory and ¥ GentRAL~PuBLic-HeaLtH Laporafory, Sureau, COLINDALE AVENUE, Lonpon, N.W.9. 22nd January, 1952. Telephone : COLINDALE 6041 & 4081. Telegrams : DEFENDER, HYDE, LONDON. Deer Dr. Lederberg, You may remember that we corresponded a few months ago on the subject of the exchange of renrints. 1 nave followed your work during the oast few years with the greatest of interest, and 1 am anxious to gain first hand experience of it. There is @ possibilty thet I may be grented Fellowship to the United States during the next few nonths, and I wancered & if you woulé be kind enough to permit ve to snend about five weeks in your laboretory, studying your methois. The time which will probably be allctte? to me, if iem awarded a W.F.0. Fellowshio, will be from abcut the viddle of siay until the last week in June. 1 should he srateful if you could let me know whether it is vossible for me to visit you at the time mentioned. Yours sincerely, i, 3. Anderson Dr, J. Lederberg, Denertment of Genetics, University of “isconsin, MaCison, Visconsin.