February 12, 1958 Dr. John Yudkin Department of Nutrition Queen Elizabeth College Campden Hill Road London, WW. 8., England Dear John: The second culture that you sent arrived here only just last week, and we have not had eny chance to do anything with it as yet. Meanrhile, I have gotten involved with the Hemophilus system, in order to get some experience on one which is in general use. We will get back to coli the first opportunity and I will not waste any time in letting you know of our resulte. Frankly, your success with these strains seems almost too good to be true in view of the number of people who have skinned their knuckiies on the same problem, We do hore that your inquiry has no imutation of .- doubt for that would be 2 great shame. I wovld certainly appreciate your letting me know if there are any important developments that would be relevant to our interest in working out a sound structure for genetic analysis by DNA transduction. With best regards, Yours cordially,. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Madical Genetics JL/ew