UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 28, D. C. September 16, 1955 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Please excuse my delayed reply to your letter of September 3. First of all, I want to tell you how glad I am that the present, revised and detailed, version of your paper makes your point of view entirely clear to me. I find myself in agreement with it; in the previous correspondence, I think that we were discussing rather different approaches and different things. There is a great deal I would like to add to this, by way of discussing and comparing our respective standpoints. I agree with you that the best way to do this will be in oral dis- cussion. I may be away from Washington October 27, but I xX expect to be here on the 28th and 29th. Could you give my s office a ring when you get here? We should then have very 2 little trouble in adjusting our respective plans for those > days in getting tozether. ny x Looking forward to seeing you, 3 2 Sincerely yours, 2 a Palm tm inna John von Neumann L Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin S£p 7 71956