September 3, 1955 Dr. John von Neumann Atomic Energy Commission Washington 25, D.C. Dear Dr. von Neumann: Thank you for your letter of August 15. I was away from Madison at that time and have taken the first opportunity to reply. As a result of this discussion,and others with Szilard and others, I think I have been able to clarify ay views slightly, at least enough to appreciate better what I do not understand. I am enclosing a revision of p. 39 of the original draft of that "Growth" paper, which I had sent you befpre; you may keep or discard these as you papfer, when you have read them. I think the revision better points up the rather obvious ideas I was trying to get over. On the whole, I thought it would be better to delete any specific reference to your models, until I better underateod their appli- cation. "Beg the question" in the first version was an unfortunate phrase, perhaps presumptuous as well. Everything that I had in mind by that is expressed in the revision. I think the root of our trouble is that we are working at very different planes. The propagation, and evolutionary elaboration, of complexity is self- evident, or rather very evident, to a biologist, and we are now concerned with realistic working models of reproduction. It is by now reasonably obvious how one might design some such models on an electromemhanical basis; a good chemical analogue to a punch-card reproducer, if we had an equal knowledge of its parts, would take us a long ways towards the experimental initiation of life. But - outside living systems, we have not learned how to string autéchtalytic xheckaxk molecules together, in an autocatalytic system, 4n such a way as to signlate a@ punch card reproduction with more than one ar a few bits on it. And none of the chemical machines that we can now devise gives a product of anywhere near the complexity of an organism. I can see that you have been looking for the foundations of an amlomatic theory of reprodiietion, and that I had been needlessly reading my own mechanical interpretations into it. I would have to ask you what gaferial interpretations are feasible, Without knowing some of the other theorems of your system, I could not begin to say whether they would be helpful in genetic analysis. How might A and A' be understood in biclogical terms, for example? I can see that written correspondence will be too cumbeszome to let us get very far. If I can sustain your interest, could I make an appointment to discuss these matters at closer hand? I will be in Washington at the end of October (28-29) for a panel meeting at the National Science Foundation, and could arrange time on the 27th, or perhaps the 29th. The evening of the 27th would be the most convenient on my part. If you are not too busy, and are disposed to belabor this subject further, I would be indebted to you for the occasion. f / Yours fsincerely, Aidt EEE A a Fe Joshua Lederberg Prnfarany af flanatiaan