UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. August 8, 1955 Dear Professor Lederberg: Thank you for your letter of August 4 and its enclosure (part of a draft of your paper to be published in a Growth Society Symposium). My connection with the Atomic Energy Commission certainly slows down all my other activities, but I hope I will succeed in not abandoning the one to which you refer. In connection with the draft that you sent me, I would like to make the following comment. On page B-11, lines 9-12, you say that my model depends for its self-reproduction on "the correct array of organized parts (the information already in- herent in which perhaps begs the question of biological re- production)." I cannot agree to this, that is, to the bracketed clause in your sentence. I showed this. In the fixed medium M (independent of the A that follows), given any aggregate A (outside M), it is possible to specify an aggregate Al (also outside M, and dependent on A), such, that if Al is immersed into M, it will keep reproducing At and producing A. Now: since M is independent of A, the information-content of A cannot be contained in M; since A™ can produce A, the information-content of A must be contained in At 3; hence the information-content of Al (al is self-reproductive!) cannot be contained in M. Does this argumentation satisfy you? ‘eG ‘wwownasy Ven I an, Yours sincerely, Gil tm Mh na Encl. John von Neumann Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics, College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin P.S. - I assume that you will wish me to return your type- script; I am, therefore, enclosing it.