April 3, 1955 Dr. John von Neumann Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, N.d. Dear Dr. von Neumann: Thank you for your letter of March 14, referring me to the Hixon Symposium. By a curious coincidence, I had just then "apontanesously" stumbled on the book, and have had some chance to read your article in the interval. I also note the account by John Kemeny in the last mamber of the Selentific American. Under separate cover, I did send an article of my own, "Cell Genetics and Hereditary Symbiosis" which may serve rather to illustrate perplexity than to illuminate concept. In your treatment, I am particularly impressed by the way in which one can evade the notion of a "self-reproducing particle", for you empha- size that it is the entire assmmbly alone that has that property. In dif- ferent lahguage, I have been groping for the same inference, simply on the basis that genes, or even nuclei, are ineapable of producing anything, mach less coples of themselves, when isolated from the whole machine. But there are still some diffheulties, for tha geneticist would still like to abstract, from the entire organism, the least structire that will still perpetuate the genetic function. The non-germinal or somatic elements of higher organiams are generally more conspicuous than the germ, but even within the scope of a single "macromolecule", a similar differentiation ean be seen, for example in the way in which terminal threonine residues have been split from tobacco mosddc virus without impadring the ability of the partiéle to engender further generations of typical virus. You have indicated an analogy between the genes and the "information tape", but I would be interested to know the explicit criteria by which to tell how an intracellular organelle corresponds to one or wre of the elemnts of your assembly. I shall, in fact, be surprised if your conceptual analysis has a structural representat&on, or if this was intended by yourself. As you need hardly be told, my own thoughts on this subject are still amorphous. I am still trying to see what can be salvaged of the notion of a "self~reproducing particle",if anything. I am more concerned how a sys- tem such as you postulate can have evolved, and am therefore still interested in more strictly autocatalytic processes, which may be useful in preliminary model building. I am hopeful that, once our ideas are more precisely developed, it may already be technically possible to build chemical models which may exemplify som: reproductive processes. In your article, you hint that a dozen kinds of elementary parts would suffice for a s-r machine, but I am afraid I still do not underatand what you mean by a part, and would be grateful for a clarification, and for som notion how your inventory is derived. In reviewing the whole article, I also wondered if your concluding sec- tion did not contradict the suggestion that nature has not relied on digital coding: the linear chromosome must be one of the most elegantlgxepded sequences, having baffled even Gamow's cryptography. Perhaps you were referring more narrowly to neural mechanisms: the main point is obviously that a digital code needs a detailed structure on which the "tape” can be oriented, either temporally or spatially. And we have perhaps some hints of this in (some versions of) the acoustic sensory mechanism, though you are perhaps excluding codes other than those involving a single tranmaigssion line. For these, the greatest problem may be that of orientation and registration, which would haw to be temporally regulated. The problem of keeping the CNS in phase with the external receptops may be biologieally insuperable in view of such pertur— bations as result, for example, from tamperature variation, whose consequences are, for the reasons you outline, far more disastrous the less the redundancy. Coding on a geometric (as opposed to temporal) scaffold is far safer, and not infrequently (indeed, in a mjgumk macromolecular chemical context, invariably) found. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics