NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION : GEORGE C. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA 35812 IN REPLY REFER TO: DIR June 4, 1965 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor, School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: It was nice to talk to you on the telephone today. Enclosed is a reprint of my talk entitled "Saturn Rocket Systems and Space Exploration, ' which I had planned to give before a graduate engineering course at Stanford Electronic Laboratories on Feb. 3, 1965, Since I was detained at the last minute, Mr. Vjekoslav Gradecak delivered the presentation on my behalf. The talk covers the broad spectrum of problems involved in placing a biological laboratory on the surface of the Planet Mars. The payloads shown on the illustrations and explained in the text are based on suggestions prepared by several dif- ferent sources, including contractors, s The configuration for the Voyager spacecraft, which the Jet Pro- pulsion Laboratories in Pasadena plans to soft-land on the Martian surface during the 1971 opportunity, differs from all the configurations shown, particularly with respect to the size of the landing capsule. If you are interested in JPL's latest thinking, I would suggest you get in touch with Dr. William Pickering, Director of JPL, direct. I shall be glad to notify you next time I come out to California, I hope that we can combine this visit with a fruitful discussion on this subject, incerely yours, ifs/ it~ Keepin fas Mee. Wernher von au quits , EEL k tle : Director 1 Enc: AS stated YUNI 7 1965 UU OA “mM f avy