BOARD OF TRUSTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Representing the following organizations: AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE COLLECTION KENNETH B. RAPER, CHAIRMAN 2029 M STREET, N. W. R. E. BUCHANAN SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS H. H. MCKINNEY WASHINGTON 6, D. C. AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY CURATOR AMERICAN ASSOGIATION OF FREEMAN A. WEISS PATHOLOGISTS AND BACTERIOLOGISTS ASSISTANT CURATOR AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ZOOLOGISTS WILLIAM ARTHUR CLARK MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ISABELLA S. BOULDIN, BACTERIOLOGIST AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES HUANG, SHUH-WEI, Mycoxocist NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SECRETARY-MANAGER KATHERINE ALVORD November 16, 1955 Dre Je Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: De you have a culture of Escherichia coli strain K-125 (the indicator strain for bacteriophage lambda) that you would be willing to deposit in our Collection? The A. Te. Ce Ce is collecting bacteriophage systems, We already uave the lysogenic Kel2 strain of E. coli; however, we would like to add to our Collection the indicator strain for phage lambda if you have one which you would send us. Sincerely yours, William ¢érthur Clark Assistant Curator