danuary 12, 1952 Dr. Marguerite Vogt Kerckhoff Laboratories Galifornia Institute of Technology Padadens 4, Sallfornia. Bear Dr. Vogts About fourteen months ago, I sent you a culture of Cavalli's Rfr etrain, our no. W-1033. I have had no ocsasion to retest this culture for some tine aince, and could not be sure that it was in good condition even in October 1950. There 45 an experiment that T should Like to tey now with Afr, but unfortunately our present culture, only recently lyophilised, no longer shows any remarkable Hfr activity. If you have had any better luck than I with it, I would consider it an appreciable favor {f you eould send back a still active Hfr. Ne have made no measurable progress to the elucidation of the sschanien of recombination in Escherichia coli during the past two or three years. Meanwhile, the only points cof partinent interest have heen the isolation of other fertile strains of B. coli, and the transductional genetic aschanion of Salmmehae. Although of interest in other connections, these lines of work have not cast any light on the K-12 story. In the past few weaks, however, some evidence has developed for a possible "hormonal" factor in % coli semality that hag 3028 promise for some progress. A few special cultures from K-12 nave bsen found to carry 2 "mutation", F-, in contrast to the F+ character of K-12 itself and most of its derivatives. F+ x P+, and Fe x F~ are both fertile, but F- x F- is completely infertils. At first we thought we were dealing with a case of "self-ineomeatibillty” sileles, but 1¢ now appeara that this is true in only a special sense. If an F- is grown together with a autritionally identical Fe, and this call mixture plated on minimal ager with another nutritimally compleasntary F-, the markers found among the proto- trophs show that many of them have come from F~ x F-. If the same cells are grown separately, and then alixed on miniaal agar, only the F~ x F+ components will have crossed. The most reasonable interpretation is that P+ 4s responsible for s substance needed for recombination, and that F+ cells make this substance to F- sells grown with thea. However, I have aot yet succeeded in separating an "B+ substance" from F+ cultures, so that cther explanations are possible, but I think unlikely. What you have probably surmised at this point is that I should like to test the Hfr stock as possibly producing larger amounte of the hypothetical P+ fertility factor. Mrs, Lederberg and I had noticed some time ago that well—aerated cultures were often poorly or not fertile, and so we have routinely prepared inocula from standing cultures. This has not been completely analysed, but it appears likely that part of the aeration effect is related to the inhibition of the produstion of the F+ factor. Well-aerated cultures of 58-161(F+)} behave as if they were F-. We have still to do some quantitative studies on this point, but I have the impression that F+ x F~ cubsapes may be more fartile generally than corresponddig F+ x F+. The effect is not spectacular, however. Hayes, in London, has been doing some interesting work on the ~ o activation of recombination by UV. He finds that the ,Haas-Wyss-Stone =~ 7 4 effect is entirely due to the 58-161 in crosses with W-1177, and that the optimal conditions are similar to those for induction of lambda. In part, I can confktm his findings, but his conclusions that lambda itself has something to do with recombination are negated by Mrs. Lederberg's success with crosses of lmbda-sensitive x sensitive. Some time ago, you mentioned to Mr. Zinder that you were preparing a note summarizing your work. Has this been publisged?~ I have not seen it. However, Mr. Zinder mentions that he heard several second-hand reports during his recent trip on the East Coast, from which he could learn no factual de&sils, but could concluddethat you have been achieving some success in your work. Considering the obscurity which has thus far surrounded the nonOgenetic aspects of E. coli recombination, this will be good news indeed. Yours very sincerely, * Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics