September 27, 1950. Dr, Marguerite Vogt, Kerckhoff Labs., Caltech, Pasadeha 4, Calif. Dear Dr. Vogt: Under separate cover, I am pheased to send 1177, which will, I hope, meet your needs. Unfortunately, I do not have on hand a TLB,- Lac- vi vg? W-1177 carries these markers except for V6", but you should have no trouble selecting a v6" mitant from it. %~1177 also carries a number of other markers which are not relevant to the ones mentioned. I regret that 1 do not feel free to distribute Hfr without specific instructions from Cavalli. I am very pleased to hear that bacterial recombination is to be studied in Dr, Delbruck's laboratory. Please feel tree to call on me for any further information or other assistance. I shall shortly send you what reprints I can. -Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Asscoiate Professor of Genetica.