November 25, 1958 Dear Kees: Your letter validates two compalling arguments against ex-Calvinism: (a) that you should even think of any sense of guilt, and (b) that thie should compound the deprivation of your friends in not hearing from you, whenever it suits béth your inclination ami your convenience. In the circumstances I appreciate even more your letter of the 20th; but please don't let that be an argument for magnifying any other poatponements. In any case, I hope wa will be yeoing one another face to face often enough that letters need be but formalities. |Ami don't exaggerate the @ ‘great and good things anticipated': this in itself is one of thepg!] Another solution would, of course be the confessional: I can see a great flood of correspondence from your pen after each absolution! All this theological humor aside, we thank you very much for the empathy, in which we are proud and happy to share. Yours, as ever, Joshua Lederberg a P.S. Could ypu get excited wnough about Areo- and Venero~-microbiology to join in a closed, informal discussion of ways and means. There is a possibility of some such in the San Francisco area some tine this spring under NASA auspices; if this doesn't come off, it might be even better if we organized one on our own.