Vier Maid July 15, 1958 a : , : f Dear Keeas ยง - I have been looking forward to writing this letter, to be able te tell you for myself that all the obstacles seem to have been overcame and we can hope for a formal announcement fram the medic&a school perhaps by the time you receive this letter. This is in a way a reply to your last long letter of a year ago, Barring some ridiculous calamity, all the isaues have been stated and clarified, and there are only a few remaining for~ _, malities, essentially to sign a contract already enthushestically agreed ; , Upon, , The discouragements and setbacks last year could hardly have been better designed, in retrospect, to ultimately bring about an arrangement that could hardly be more satisfactory, especially fran the standpoint of a close asso~- ciation with Arthur and his group, and also for the mission of deserved emphasis on science in general and genetica in particular in training for medicine and for medical research, In other words, this looks very good and we could hardly be more delighted at the prospective outcone, So I will repeat my speech of last year, no less sincerely if more sub- atentially, how pleased and grateful I have been for your longstanding interest, and now how much Esther and I look forward to the opportunity of seeing you more often, I know that my students (who will be youra) will feel the same way about it. Our detailed moving plana are indefinite; July is the most libbay date for our actual move, but it may come sooner, We're flying off to Paris and Stockholm next week (any remote possibility of your attending the microbiology congress? though I shouldn't ine} on an affair like that would be any more to your taste than it is to mine) and will be back at Palo Alto about Sept. 3-10, actually before we get home to Madison again. With a toast to more and better microbiophily, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg