Se my tember 30, VX Dre Ce Be van Niel, Hoprdns Uarine Station, Pacific Grove, Onlil. Dear Or. van Niel: Nerewith, I am returning the renrints of Pijper's panern on diffraction of bacterial cultures. Thank you very much for calling them to my attontion. I ean't say tiat Ian strongly convinced by his arguzent thet bacteria ore standing on end. It should bo no dif- ficult task with a phase microscope to check this diroctly. Misa Lively mentioned that the recombination oxperinent wor!od satisfactorily. I should be pleased to hear your coments or sugzes- tion: as to how it misht best be adapted for pedagogic purposes. Youra sincerely, Joshua Lederberr, Aoseciate Trofescor of Cenotics 3