July 31, 1950. Dre Ge Be van Niel, Hopkins “‘arine Station, Pacific Grove, California. eer Or. van Niel: Forthwith, but under seprate cover, I am sending two cultures from Escherichia coli, K-12, for recombination experiments: 58-161 B-M- (biotin, methionine) W-1177 T-I-B,- Lac- Mal-Kyl-Gal-ara-Mtl- v," 37 (threonine, leucine, thiamin lactose, maltose, d-xylose, l-arabinose, mannitol phage Tl atreptomyoing As we discussed, the easiest characters to classify anong prototropha would be Lac and Mal, using EMB agar with 1% and 1% sugar respectively. The other characters can be ighored. The easiest technique is as followa: Inoculate separate cultures from slant into Pennaseay broth (or any other nutrient broth without too much sugar), incubate overnight at 35-37 without shaking or seration. Wash celle, mix equal aliquots of concentrated suspensions and spread on thiamin supplemented plates of minimal ager, about 108 5 x 10 per plate. Use thick plates (25 m2 agar/10 om diameter plate). Incubate at 3-37 for 48-72 hours. Pick prototrophsa, etc. EMB plates should be incubated at 37 about 20 hours. "specially with EMB Maltose, Malf tends to fade after a time. If you wish to make up a more complicated experiment, you can also_scors S¥ on the EB plates by streaking first a solution of streptomycin, 10° u/nl, and cross-streaking the bacterial suspensions after the streptomycin has dried into the agar. S 4e very closely linked to Mal. I would anpreciate learning how this goes. Let me know if I can help in any way. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg