THE RICE INSTITUTE HOUSTON, TEXAS October 2h, 1952 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Univ. of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: You are to be congratulated on your clear exposition of the symbiotic relationship between bacteria and viruses in the chapter you wrote for Werkman and Wilson's Bacterial Physiologye in this connection, I should like to call your attention to an article which I wrote several years ago on the "Viroid Theory", a mimeographed copy of which I am enclosing. To my knowledge this article contains the first clear statement of a wide-spread symbiotic relationship between bacteria and micro-organisms related to viruses, organisms that I have terned "viroids". I assume that you mst have overlooked this article, since you make no reference to it. I can easily understand this, since the article appeared in the American Naturalist, a journal not specifically devoted to micro-biology, and the article appeared at a time when many biologists were not yet even prepared to admit that viruses were organisms, let alone that related organisms might be symbients of universal occurrence. Yours sincerely, Edgar A. Altenburg