MARK VAN DOREN FALLS VILLAGE, CONNECTICU ORLEANS 2-655 April 22, 1963 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Would you join me in signing the attached communication addressed to the President of the United States and intended as an open letter to him. This expression of our support, I have reason to know, will be welcomed by him. Further, our suggestions may serve as a needed incentive to action which may bring the American people to support a test ban treaty. The President and his principal advisors in the Defense and State Departments, as well as the Security Services, are of the unanimous view that a test ban treaty with on-site inspection is in the national interest. Further, that once enacted, it may be a vital first step toward disarmament. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the U. S. Senate is required to approve any U. S. treaty. At this writing, passage of a treaty if negotiated with the USSR, is doubtful. Congressional mail indicates opposition or apathy. Many things are responsible, chief among them inadequate knowledge on the part of the American people of the perspectives for security, development and peaceful co-existence which would open up in conse- quence of this vital first step. jaded (HW /\ W a What we do now may be decisive for the future. If, as I hope, we share a common view on this critical issue, will you authorize me to include your signature. Sincerely yours, Let le dpe Mark Van Doren | PS: The enclosed card is for your convenience. I am also sending you a list of the writers, artists end scientists whom I have invited to be co-signatories with us.