UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY 362 NOYES LABORATORY OF CHEMISTRY URBANA March 13, 1958 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you very much for your thoughtful suggestion to March 18th, Just at the same time on Monday, I received a letter from Japan, informing me of unexpected approval to extend my stay for an additional few months, which was requested by Dr. Luria, if possible, but I thought & to be almost impossible though I, after hesitating, wrote a letter to Japan ,inquiring possibility. Since I thought it would be impossible, I continued preparing everything for going back to Japan and after having packed almost everything for sending back, I got the letter. The unexpected became possible. I felt very unbalanced, but at last decided to stay here until the middle of June. However, I have to let mywife and son go back ahead as we have already planned, since she is very anxious to see our daughter left in Japan, who hes been ill in bed in hospital since last December. Unfortunately my wife can hardly speak English, so I have to arrange everything forvher in advance before she leaves here. Hence and, in addition, since I have now almost exhausted sptitituaily and physically, I taink I had better arrange to meet you sometime later. If you attend the General Meeting of the S.A.B. in Chicago, it would be very nice to see you there. Or if you have any better idea, I shall appreciate your letting me know it. Many apologies for a sudéen change and I hope vou will understand the situations. a HH PAUL IV I think you have already noticed my paper "Conversion of somatic antigens...." in Virology vol.5, No.l. I shall appreciate your opinions. I heave now some mutants of phage 215 and have been analysing the nature of their mitations. It is still at the beginning stage, being too early to make up any definite theory or genetic map, but the accumulating deta seem very interesting. One of the mitants converts antigens from 3,10 to 3,(10),15, and the second from 3,10 to 3,15 which are not identical with 3,15 of ¢15- lysogenic cells. The third does not convert antigens to 3,15 by lysogenization and lysogenizec cells remetn in 3,10 structure. They also still adsorb phage eld, The fourth is very peculiar in thet lysogenized cells lose even antigens 4,10 and gain antigen T, which has ever,found only in group B Salmonella, while sensitive (heen /tann oe UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY 362 NOYES LABORATORY OF CHEMISTRY URBANA cells are infected with ths pnage, infected cells: form antigen 15 temporarily. I also have some evidence suggesting that the preprophece or the inactivated phage is capable of operating its genetic functions. When I meet you, I will tell you the details. With best regards to Iino-san and Hirota-san, Yours sincerely, Hisao Uetake