M/s Mr. Alexander Tomasz c/o Dr. Otto Hoffmann—Ostaenhof University of Vienna Wuhringerstr. 42 Wien XI, Austr&a Dear Mr. Tomasz: I have just received your letter, together with that of Mr. Lengyel. I will make every effort to communicate with my colleagues on the possibility of finding an appointment for you. I may have space in my own laboratory for yourself. We have recehtly been engaged in a study of protoplasts of E. coli in a mmxagh search for a suitable 'transformation' reaction, and would like to continué with a joint biochemical and genetical analysis. I was not yet acquainted with the deails of Prof. Gyorffy's experiments, though I had expected to see him at a meeting at London in March. If you are not already acquainted with the work of our labo- ratory, you can find references to it in recent years in the following jogrnals: Genetica; Jourpal teriology; ,Proc Nat. Acad. Sci., U.S. (Sep. '56)? Ror PS RSMEARLEE, *sT9" 1956. I have to consider the candidacy of other students as well, but am prepared to give your application the most sympathetic consideration, if you consider that your interests and training are in accord with the program just mentioned. For your part, I would like to hear from your references as to your qualifications; if you can reconstruct a more complete statement of your academic training, this would be appreciated. I have written as stinmcmbkx discreetlymx as possible to Professor Gyorffy, but perhaps I should wait to hear your advice as to whether such a communication would be harmful to him. iI shall therefore not mail that letter for the tims being!. If you can also give me any particulars as to when you would be able to begin your research studies, as far as you know yourself, this would be useful also. The stipends for graduate students are not very large, but I will do as best I can. Does your wife have any special training that would help her to find employment tco? Yours sincerely, P.S. Can you furnish any references to publications on the Serratia Joshua Lederberg ef“ects? Professor of Genetics I will send you som reprints by surface mail.