November 24, 1956 Or. Kenneth V. Thimann The Biological Laboratories Hervard University 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge 38, Massachusetts Dear Kenneth: Your letter of the 19th happened to come in as | was dictating so | can attend to it before it disappears at the bottom of the pile. You must know Skoog so much better than | do that | can hardly add to your Information about his qualifications. All f can think of to say is that Wisconsin will be absolutely furious to lose him as he is certainly one of the most dynamic and productive membersof the Biology faculty. Frankly {| hope you do go after him with some vigor so as to bring to a focus some of the very deep concerns that he and ! have had about the develop- ment of biology here. | also hope that you fail in the long run since losing Skoog would be a more disasterous loss to Wisconsin than a measurable gain to Harvard. But of course | suppose that it is just this context that may give you some optimism in going after him. Yours cordially, Joshua hee Enc: JL/Jp