Pe KH a Ue DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN ZU BERLIN INSTITUT FUR MIKROBIOLOGIE UND EXPERIMENTELLE THERAPIE JENA DIREKTOR PROF. DR. MED HANS KNOLL JENA+BEU TEE ENBERGSTRASSE 114 Jena, June 20, 1958 Tck/Schro Dear Professor Lederberg, Thank you very much for your letter of June 13. I am very sorry that the matrices arrived in such a bad manner. I shall give you some matrices at the Stockhom congress. If you, then, find them to be of any use for you, I shall tell you all about commercial description. In the meantime we succeeded in the production of a numbered matrix. We have now ten thousand squares (length of the edge 60 ยป) with four numbers in every field. I include a microphoto- granm of a microculture on agar inoculated with Bacillus sub- tilis. The slide sulture is covered by a coverslip which carries the Formvar-replica of the new matrix. This .development has been done in connection with the Zeiss works. Sincerely yours, a : e g . fe fs oR ee Pe le ee ( Y. TausenecK Enclosure Dt Mo Atvees ply We sone) a Plo, RUF: 3551 - DRAHTWORT: IMET: BANKKONTO: DNB JENA 1120610/3 / FERNSCHR-NR. KENNZAHL 058 - RUF-NR. 208