Dr, U,. Taubtereck Institut fur Mikrobiologie und Experimentelle Therapie Beuthenbergstr, 11 Jena, Germany Dear Dr, Taubeneck: I shoulc tave acknowledged your letter of March 12 long ago and I offer my apologies. The glass matrices did arrive, but I fear you were too optimistic about the delicacy of the intermtioml postal service and they were badly smashed, However, I could retrieve some of the marked areas of glass and these suffice to demonstrate the utility of your technique, I hope you will keep me in touch with further technical developments, Can you give me the commercial description of the matrices so I can get a further supply through trade chamels? We have not done anything further with L forms for the past several months, owing to interest in other research, but we may return to some aspects soon, I will be a co-chairman at Stockholm (with Ismenecki) of the sections on microbial genetics, and hope to be able to see you there, Yours sincerdly, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Nedical Cenetics JL/ew