dane 11, 1958 Dr, PF, C, Trexler Loband Institute University of Notre Dame Notre Deme, Indiam Year Dr, Trexlert Thank you very mach fost your letter of June 9, There should be much careful and critical discussion of these problems. I would not really be terribly alarmed about the level of contamination that would be introduced by e clean (not necessarily sterilized) spacecraft mechanian, I would be much more concerned about the contamimtion that would accompany ill-conceived blologi- eal experiment, e.g. the hard landing of a Large mammal, or @ pre~ mature manned expedition, One difficulty is that s bard landing might disperse the contents of a missile over very nearly the entire surface of the moon (witness the "rays" which emanate fron the meteoritic craters), In any case, why should there be any hard landing without well-thought out scientific objectives? This discussion of the moon is a preliminary to the exploration of the planets, and for Mars ani Venus I feel’ there should be extra ordimry care net te introduce even mininal contamination until the biological possibilities have been carefully thought out. Tours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Profeseor of Medical Cem tics Jt/eu coolr, Porter (OG 'wayKaa