25 June 1958 Professor E, Toenniessen Friedr, Naumannstr, 15 Kassel GERMANY Dear Profess or Toennisssen: Thank you very kindly for your letter of June 7, aml for the enclosed mss, and reprints, Unfortumtely, I am making preparations for extensive travel for the summer, and it would be very difficult for me: to give your ms, the attention it deserves, especially as my reading of German is somewhat more-time-consuming than in English. TI will be looking forward to reading the reprints of your earlier papers, as I have a special interest in earlier thinking about the genetics of bacteria, You refer to the possibility of $ransplanting the gene complex of capsulated to non-capsulated bacteria, This is, of course, the substance of the original work on the ‘pneumococcus transformation! by Griffith, followed by the more extensive studies of Hotchkiss, Ephrussi-Taylor and others, There is also one claim for the same phenomen in K, xmemem pneumo- niae by Ciantini (19h, Boll. ist. sieroter, Milan, 23, 47) but I must confess to being rather sceptical of the details. Falows et al. (1955, Jour, Bacteriol., 69, 139, "Attempts to demonstrate type transform: tion with K. pneumoniae") had completely negativeresults but they did not take advantage of the most modern methods. I have no doubt whatever that the systematie application of current techniques to this group of bacteria would generate the same successes as have been achddéved with the relgsed genera of Escherichia and Salmonella, Together with your ms., which I am returning unier separate cover you will find a recent review that touches upon these questions. Like yoyrself, I originally thought that phenomena like the pneumococcus transformation spoke for cyteplasmic factors, but have been obliged to change my view in the face of later evidence, At the present time, the most convincing examples of cytoplasmic induction are to be found in yeast, with respect to the respiratory factors which can be removed by treatment with acriflavine and restored by cytogamy with normal cells, In bacteria the only nearly convincing examples are the factors con- trolling male competence and eolicin synthesis in E. coli. May I suggest that you communicate with your compatriot, Dr. Richard Kaplan , Mikrobiologisches Instatut der Universitat Frankfurt a.™, » who is one of the most active German workers on bacterial genetics at the pre- sent time. I should think that either the Ztschr, f, Vererbungslehre or the Zbl, Bakt. would te appropriate vehicles for your remarks, but I venture to suggest that they might be fortified by a correlation of your work with what has been done on the pneumococeus, Yours cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics MAS POL ane > = Se lap Feo D