Department of Genetics December 25, 1958 Professor Hugo Theorell Karolinska Institutet Stockholm 60, Swedeb Dear Professor Theorell: | am sure | do not have to recapitulate the appreciation of a Nobel laureate for the consideration and hospitality of his colleague: during an occasion like that of this past month's. My wide and | are deeply grateful. Our discussion of enzyme structure was also most Illuminating, and | was delighted to hear of your analyses of amino acid sequence in cytochromes. May | remind you of my request for reprints of the relevant papers? t am enclosing a primitive paper of my own on some aspects of the kinetiés cf the B-Pegalectosidase of Escherichia coll. In fact, Steve Kuby whe was working in your laboratory last year followed this up in much more detail N in: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 75, 890, 1953. 1 am sure that this enzyme deserves t as much attention from physical chemical approaches as it has had in physio- « logical genetics. Now that it has been crystallized, and with the accessibility x, of machinery for growing large masses of the bacteria (which contain 1-2 pe. re of this enzyme under suitable conditions) one might hope to find renewed interest > in It. The cation effects are among the intriguing aspects. “ The chromogenic substrate can be readily purchased @ from the 'Mann Research L Labs., 136 Liberty Street, New York 6, N.Y.'' at $20 per gram, which goes a very ~ long way. . Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg