nM To: "’mbayer@erols.com’" To: "Schwartz, Alan" To: "Balzano, Richard A." To: "Basl, Roger, Maj, OSD-ATL" To: "Troutman, Allison J." Subject: Another pass at the RED vectors Fee: DSB Sat Nov 24 15:19:23 EST 2001 I have reorganized the vectors for RED offensive capability. For precise expansion, the weapons list is orthogonal to the platform. So if we decided to focus on HE, we’d then ask against what range of targets how delivered. (and don’t forget) what scales (per our own judgment, what secondary consequences to justify highlighting) RED offensive capability: weaponry and delivery platforms (what they buy, salvage from Taliban, or hijack from us) ** Materiel] they hijack are also targets weapons systems ** -- somewhat orthogonal to delivery platforms (? nuclear) HE arson gunfire and ordnance small arms / assault weapons grenade launchers crew-served weapons (rockets, mortars) radiological chemical -- elaborate per Harney monograph biological anthrax smallpox .. long list, each singular cutlery and banal hardware low tech sabotage -- cross-plumbing; malign switching/valving EMP; high powered lasers (vs. individuals) (Cyberwar -- to be expanded) Delivery Platforms ** [many of these also blue targets] vehicles -- land, sea, aerospace (military and civilian) ManPad -- incl. suicide bombers ** OUR dissemination media air, water, food consumer products in totality currency newspapers and magazines pharmaceuticals Mail, Express delivery services Pipelines (Our HAZMAT concentrations >> targets) chemical storage PoL/Gas grain elevators Munitions dumps The following are enablers; they don’t ramify the event space. Personnel Leadership hierarchy Skilled cadre Amateurs/walk ins Tech support Insiders Finance man-carried vehicles -- cars, trucks (incl masqueraded), tanks (hijacked) maritime, aircraft pipelines geography -- where time frame -- when our offensive prevention: FBI RED: on Blue motivations -- and constraints/tabus (destroying our assets) - which ones achieving their own internal political goals Al Qaeda: domination of Islam offensive assets weapons systems (what they have) HE nuclear arson gunfire CBW cutlery {what they can steal or hijack of ours] personnel insiders finance; cash and lines of credit softwar psywar (theirs vs ours) intelligence mobility D&D and evasion Don’t ignore RED on RED: for misattribution. Mosques Our net assessment then goes to prioritization of target hardening options and how we budget preventive and remedial responses. http://www.ciao.gov/PCCIP/ Critical Infrastructures are systems whose incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating impact on the defense or economic security of the nation. These include: telecommunications electrical power systems gas and oil banking and finance transportation water supply systems government services and emergency services.