THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021-6399 JOSHUA LEDERBERG UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR February 20, 1991 Mr. Paul Wolfowitz Undersecretary of Defense (Policy) The Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301-3140 Dear Mr. Wolfowitz: I am still looking forward to the opportunity to spend a little time with you personally; but I have understood very well how busy you are (not to mention, on a different plane, my own schedule). There is one topic that I would particularly like to discuss with you, namely, aims and means of continued dialogue with the Soviets with respect to confidence building and the BWC. I hear that there is some dissent in another department about the desirability of sustain- ing certain reciprocal visits and exchanges. I am parti- cularly eager to make a positive case, particularly for those at a more official government level than the in- formal ones that we have been undertaking under the auspices of the respective National Academies of Sciences. To be sure you have handy our most recent visit report, I enclose a copy. We are very appreciative of your intervention to make that visit possible. One particular point: we were given to believe that there would be a very positive response to joint meetings between the respective Surgeons General of our armed forces. (On our side that might either be our Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, or the Surgeon General of the Army). I will be in touch with your office when you might be able to see me. I'm in the building almost weekly. #16 only on budypTary msanmas, 0 be/ent an pan { ma ocd: Tes. Letter to Mr. Paul Wolfowitz February 20, 1991 -2- The Defense Science Board task force to assess the Biological Defense Research Program (BDRP) is coming along well in three important respects: a) I am pleased with the terms of reference that Charlie Herzfeld has signed off on; b) we have an excellent panel of the most reputed medical sci- entists in the country: c) and we have superb staff support in the person of Col. John Cutting -- by coincidence he was one of the very first medical students that I taught when I came to Stanford in 1959. Clearances, etc., as usual take forever. Our first plenary meeting is scheduled for Ft. Detrick March 6th. I hope you might be available to meet us at one of our future sessions in Washington. rs sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Enclosure: Visit Report - Swiftwater 12/8/90 Draft Joint Statement