Lt 3 rR 1504. Pycgd focal PO ae Eze peLbite ’ S wallop 7 a Yo SL : OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY Date: To : J L. From : ) i) h4. SUBJECT: conversation se with Clifford Grobstein (1) Use vibrating wire to sever connections between donor and recéipient cells. (2) Equivalence of inducer with T antigen. (3) Use of specific sero tyws and iso-antibodies as means of discriminating action of donor and recipient cells. This is something to discuss with Nossal or Makela. om Saamnenel sah pe _ i! Batlle? | id we as fects Manian ce (oul Abin belade_) le) chenaibinelys J 7g alle 7/2e}32. | Sum ywrarye & haus - overs ——! tpl A Selamat. (2? Pcban’ ). 1. Mntr- epee La. faa (wile tiple re ) CO | Ofhes ‘>, 2 Ua Ca; | >, € cer | hapa mi Aber, 4 Kar) Fh,.. - dalags pce. | enn pple Aura ae a/- 2 lees og 0518,A4;) - LT7: YY NGE-F 503-6 nd aan LT. WO LTL2: 307,8; 79F “6, é Woe Sin | Ue het utpt pig eG, yf bhi jel lan melt z Mh hagas ormiett? _S. Oey $o cages ce cee Sn | ob Weed OE) . ; , DD. OY 195F. 1428-30. bprd prger andetter What wll eed te, ah Ooabitin. (OA, e22hre by We rats oud ff. usceco, thi oly well Aged wl rag be W) Y2940 — bofs. 143.0 Maree came pistrnermse curate Yn slnh, x2q lal} WY2T0 x WY30P mn Hy Mbaf- | A_utlr dn 9 Dn ord ON ne Mingypelel AA moe wn OF 7 (1430) ate gen = Caay Wr pruopotedly bof butor Certong HH (Y. x WY W308) A bebacee a al . V-2s chao calli pony fate Arar he ro danger fr.) unin bee wes fst an dcgay Mey fo peffpertr ct. ven? fifo tiga aames pa May hedelis ts cvae bac paladin the vod forget hme bly secblannc ccroony dort PAsheo act 1930 B3e: $e 1930 — Mr W) 430? x WY243 - Galt aa” (dq, /t4) 3x 40649 Vv. wi 426 re 6, bale on -s. Sf das = aad =7.. bone emfsian Ans te WHT ably on tf hnudeyy, f Ob nde - fey, Cals iffusissad | a haglan: “4 ibn Wists SW/23|_ —> -f ? peel Cab” bo Q 23495 Gab 7 U | 2 30/3 es : Jae "Can doe L222 “Gb” tan CEA fr _ frites ech sid) 214 =(TH 9), Cor bee ln 7 Mir belle tiling ft fC hala. Are - Gt - a Stef $e - of 7 lia Resiant. ee fe a a ci igen pte a iat fae pe “Whe | ia en anes OM bu bnif 23, 195Z | Vhawa fir os ey pie Eat A, 7 eae bac ye PS fom fest vn “Oueas e, or “ oo ape pag ge gee Me kee Thyeced Burl s9e) ‘Shienoo 4 TEE nu “eke nes ane dite al" £8 Oe ee .iatieten boalteb-iid “nd be cnoitvites “esn “Sn Tatroxs Jaa Twit we wv STOR BE fatwa oo deoksolotd add ict yeeus eloumie « abmiidenon ono Bae oliones 0% edtsidlecod 4 eg Lie Sty BS HOYT DIT prise: i ye pDetebooriD Svo won ib geigongy: [fon eelabag mp9 saya jad _. ¢ to eomedvedual scg no aguevmeo bib se wonya Weal oy ao of . to tostxes oft) t roastvater i i Ter tinternisma ore pena nie aro oe pone okenett bt ais Lee Geo { evabau dtro: 4 cheeuteon added Lag B9T A mort iiro enedda + wood ‘ten. : SiG MROT Uso aeerF ao ovrs SSA STC Be Sig = a FITMS LT enoS CONF Mee Fe wey wre nt _ Yen yi ot ses pees 36 sae of fem Bee [et meet ob 98 Go sy pouiots toe emote tee et petit re Fee EPEC OO . ae WMap es fe to Bandtge salsiiicuis Of gli "hy Re oy winton WS ano vitro del add ot 190 --aetpascesy issimertgold (2 ;.eceun ans: ifoaeliv WOEV I (i of eulewet won ¢] ber oidoucerwen) Bodeel-oon ao anleleurg anl teh at Go mati wore oF WY CE TAS TING ebe Rn oe Bers. Aricckian Aon....One: of. the mire. exeiting eowstimld was about centrioles considfred for pyasmids, whigh came up obliquely in discussing verdous experimental designs/ ~~ in re nuclear transplantations. I had not realized how sharply dependent the frog egg was” = _.... 00 & sperm “or center", having thought that pricking would activate cleavage as well as. a the initial fertilisation reaction. But Bob had seen that experiments: involving, ¢.g-5 blood —""—“ge-@ Nea gent did not exclude centrioles; this is of course the dnewer to Shaver's problem of ~~ _ the "seepnd factor" in parthenogenesis; Briggs was sceptical ahout the extent of any.of the activations with ill-defined material, as Shaver did not. score his material very late, and his yields were very lows What excited me was that the attivated- unfertilised egg wpuld es _constitute a simple assay for the biological activity of cantriolar preparatipns, qua plasmid, with all the possibilites for genetic and chemical ahalysis. They already know that Tritarus ~ Svradiated sperm will activate frog eggs, so the specificites are Low/; it is even conceivable _.__...that mouse. centrioles will function in frog cytoplasm if. any of Shaver is rekzevant. here... Anyhow we did comverge on the importamce of this, and Bob may put a fellow"Subtelny" to the ~~ “problem of pulling apart sperm, and perhaps otter cells, so define just what pie activating” — _. Genter ia. .D would almost be tempted. to take a vacatipn in Philadelphia: myeelf.. 3... - “Note from Kalckar and Kurahashi: Gal 1,6 and 7 evidently all lack the second “enayte;- ~ — | galactose.I-phosphate-uridyl. transferase, Which is the same_as the. galastosenic infants. _ Esther took a phone call from Herman yesterday which sounded rather confused; 2 don't under—_ ~~" ~"“etand the constitutivity & the enzyme sequence myself. Anyhow, these mitants fomm one _..-.-. position-effec t. group;we have to send. them Gal. zee see. 4f.these_are in any way ==. diffe rent. —In. the. lab. only. one . new. points . the effect of Ca in. stabilising spheres « of Kel2 was con~.. ~ firmed; it now remains to 1) review viability of these preps.; 2) biochemical properties— p per Boris, and 3y uy ‘to grow g-gn So far, nothing promising c on | non-lambda transduction. ee ee eee - *. | OP MAB 9. ane nnn ee ne ee cee oom Many F35--1956 (Sun) /~ Pontecorvo visited last week; arriving several hours~----------- J... -_ date owing to fog, and only just in time to meet us at the Hoffman House .§ —ss—s—> for a dinner honoring Jim Neel by a local medical student fraternity. But To we had tiskets to the Dublin Players, to which Pontet escorted Amn Crow to --- > oe 00 Armes and the Man, rather. than Neel's lecture on hemoglobins. Neel himseld is in the midst of a changeover to a Genetics Department at U/Mich Medica} $$ ehool, He still construes this rather narrowly as human genetics (my ow hopes a would be for_a department having. the.same_relationshdpto medicine as ours does to Agriculture.). For example, he had projected some tissue cultures studies "en fuman mutant material, but for biochemtcal rather than any hope of genetic oo ee a lysis....We discussed Newton Morton's position at the medical school here; Jim had also talked to Mortenson, and I feab there is a growing misunderstanding on ~~ ——————Netwon's role in Anatany. (I also ran into Phil Cohen whose apprehensions are ~~ ___.___..___ ...-.@ven_stronger, and he is. going to reopen the question with Bowers. Newt' himself = _ desn't seem to be strong enough to stand up to these pressures, and he is especially ~~ walnerable just because his research pregram is in abeyance while he learns laboratory" ee genetics.) It's too bad we don't have a stronger atart_(in add. to, notin place of Newton-- I just thought of Mitchison as representative of some of the other hopeful directions, This did not jyst cane from the bluey Ponte(t told me that——-———- -_-—__Mitch_had_just.done_the experiment—on ion_of cells heterozygous. for Ho which I... _ talked about at the Ascites meeting, and which I suppose G Klein had also planned, +... .--. We -had an intensive. going-over with Ponte, after which I feel rather pumped §.§_-—| dry though this is largely my own impulse. It must still be barely possible to do some mapping from diploid automixis in coli, but the worst problem is = ; anne oor bopgakeing into the cycle of circuler-reasoning on the location. of -markers.-This——-.—- oj. as deen something I had hoped to find the xight student for, but he hasn't = fos materialized, and Alan seems less likely than at first. I don't really have much ————-__—-wopthwhtie data, -but -now-that “Gals -is-out- of-the stocks; and -we-can- seore Lac; ve — Ww. Lac, fairly readily by progeny teSts, the problem should be simpler. The best designs _ at first might be te select for crossing-over of near--linked genes. For example, oe ~~~“between Lacy 7 aud V¢, selecting for ¥g still Lacv,- or between ye "Mal andS (+8/-r, selecting for +r/-r) and seeing the ditsribution of homozygosis — for other markers. ‘But we need “the right marked diploids first, and-these- msy ~ Jus’ an -—.--— Mow be coming through fron LacjHfr x Lac, crosses, the stocks for which are aby product of Newton's wOpk. _.W-...___.__._ Experimentally,.last week was only a couple of days between vistors (MIW) which —_—- concerned mabajy more on "protoplasts" (I like Stahelin's term gymnoplasts better). TO HS expe perinents were rather N6ESSY,— probably” because of” haste, “and perhaps because a ther. (At. least the planting is es- ue. Summer started abruptly with some muggy 80+. sentially done now). Viability has been variable, some prepa showing at least 50%; “"~——~~9thers less than 5. No show #0 far on an L cycle, certain that the protoplasts do make NPGase, but even the control rods_ are not too happy about the hypertoni&# sucrose, and it may take some more fiddling with the medium to perfect that, if at all. No more tra&is yet om DNA =