un March 21, 1950 _. a _- : — —_. Work to be cleaned up: Resuscitate other spontaneous diploids of series 652 and 673. Serutinize ~ oo e — ——___—- possible Mal vs Test the Mal~ spontaneous diploids for hemizygosity. ~~ om — --...---_{ Compare-H-214 (dipleid from W-67-x-W-677) which is- -hemizygous fer Mal- pa Sani ~~ ——————Gontinus tests of Mal hemizyzosity among partial “Bogreganty” derivatives cee GLY i" me « __ Test H-213 for 1) Parg$ial segregations 2) hemizygosity of Lac, Gal. 7 __ Gross W-67 with W945 do as to have Gal as well as Lac, Mal available — for hemizygosity tests Q Of. H=210). — —-—____- Tost sogregants of 1-226 for mitritional character. _I¢ possible, reoress.—— a 1022 W-67 x W283 for structure of spontaneous heterozygotes from a biased stock — See 582 ¢ on Al low _Lacy_Meal- and _Lac- Maly partial segregante to segregate in mixed —.______- coe culture in hopes of detecting preferential refusion: 1ee., a Lec vy Mal vi (Better to use some criterion such as S*, selectively) | ~~ ~~~" Nature of acid effects on induced segregation, and role in spontaneous ~~ noe eg Ce ELON —— YF = __.__..... UV differentials on W-1288 and 1289. OO _____.__Bfteot of amigo acids and absorbing compound . aW/esit a _—