pere THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT July 28, 1987 Ms. Sheila W. Wellington Secretary of the University Yale University P. O. Box 1303A Yale Station New Haven, Connecticut 96528-7419 Dear Ms. Wellington: Your letter inviting me to the Dwight Terry Lectureship came at an extraordinarily propitious time. I have been giving much thought to the proper vehicle of publication of a complex of memoirs and essays; and it would be a source of great personal delight as well as objective efficiency if that project could be convergent with the Terry Lectureship. Nothing could give me greater sentimental satisfaction than to come home to Yale for such a purpose. The invitation to the Lectureship is then most flattering, and I would like to do it. But the publication may be either a great opportunity or an insuperable obstacle. I have been thinking about a series of four volumes. My plans are outlined in the attachments. The first two of these would be volumes of reprinted selected works. Volume 1 focusses on my scientific work, ranging from genetics to computer science. Volume 2 comprises various papers of social commentary and public policy, including some number of the weekly columns "Science and Man" that appeared in the Washington Post some 15 years ago. Extensive annotations would bring the reprinted articles into conceptual and historical relationship with current issues. Volume 3 would be precisely the synthetic “assimilation and interpretation" that is the core of the Terry Lectureship. Finally, I had in mind a more peronal memoir, a hybrid of reflective commentary and record of autobiographic experience. I have already written, and in part published, two or three of the 2@ or so chapters planned for that volume. For various reasons I was not looking forward to the completion and publication of that work for perhaps another five years. My. dilemma is that I would very much like to respond to your invitation on the Terry Lectureship; but I need to integrate the plans for its publication with the other three volumes I have just indicated. + HERES “f Pid EPIL SDD OL ee ER ETL altel RP SOR oF sa PTR CE GN ae CRT RT My first question to you is really one of procedure: with whom would it be appropriate that I continue this conversation further, to see whether there is a mutually desirable outcome? The republication of the selected works is intended to offer a detailed referential background for the conceptual content and the historical background of the ideas to be elaborated in volumes 3 and 4. The themes I have in mind for the lectures are 1) Modern Biology and Human Nature; 2) Technology, Health, the World Population, and the Environment; 3) World Security Models and Imminent Threats to Peace; 4) Creativity and Research. If we can do it, my thought would be to have the lectures given during the academic years 1988-89. May I call your ‘attention to the outline of volume 4 as this conveys the breadth of the overall enterprise. While I would of course be the most gratified to learn that these proposals are at least negotiable, I could well understand if you had to reply that they were not what you had in mind for the Lectureship itself. ours sincerely, oshua Lederberg Encls.