SEP 15 1977 Dr. Joshua Lederberg . 1431 PITMAN AVE. PRECEPTION AND CONCEALMENT PALO ALTO, CALIF. 9430 (This essay introduces "preception’ as a term intended to be | C cog i broader than 'deception', embracing the whole span of measures intended to influence the perceptions of the viewer -—- by whatever means, and whether true or false. In common usage, a precept is a rule of behavior that a preceptor induce in his audience.) Intelligence analysis resembles scientific research in many ways — fragmentary data often evoke a range of hypotheses, and in turn stimulate the collection of more information designed to corroborate or falsify them. Intelligence entails one unmistakeable difference: the adversary is witting \*/ , uncooperative and self-consciously \*/ In fact this term is almost unique to intelligence jargon interested in the outcome of your analysis. (The invocation of ‘Murphy's Law’, that nature exercises a malevolent will, is in fact put down as either a superstition or joke —- so let us borrow the name Murphy for our adversary.) Knowing that Murphy lives means that we are constantly on guard, in the interpretation of intelligence data, that we might be being deceived. However, it is often difficult to prove that Murphy is actively fabricating data for our benefit; further it is often argued that deception cannot be sustained for long periods in peacetime. The net result, all too often, is that the possibility of deception is always acknowledged, but perhaps not often enough actively pursued. Even more important, the moralistic dichotomy -- either Murphy is lying {the villain!}, or he's not -—- blinds us to a much wider range of preceptions that Murphy may be exercising, and which then distinguish the data of intelligence from those of natural science: namely, that a witting Murphy will be confounding us in relation to {his perception of} the national security values we attach to our conclusions. Far from being the unique province of a villainous bureau of ‘disinformation, preception is warp and woof part of all human “discourse, and above all of interstate relations where mutual peréeptions are so vital to security and survival. This nonrandom association of induced noise with values at stake is the main principle by which preception can be identified, short of glimpsing into Murphy's soul and intentions. In fact it can be very ‘nearly unconscious on the part of the preceptor —- which of us does not put his best foot forward? There is then no algorithm by which preception can be diagnosed, no more than there is a general system of hypothesis and analysis by which scientific truth can be mechanically generated from research data. The possible role of preception is a hypothesis that needs to be considered, presumably always (in the light of human nature and interest, and tested ad hoc - along with the rest of the analysis of a given set of observations. Our basic model is that of a _signal-emitter and an observer. Everyday experience in-human relations probably has taught us most of | the basic lessons of preception; the intellectual block is in applying the principles of assessing interpersonal discourse to the realm of technical collection systems. Here we do not think so readily of the signals as communications; and we are liable to think of technical intelligence as if it were the observation of Nature. If, like Nature, Murphy is truly oblivious that anyone is watching, there can be no preception: the signals emitted will be simple side-effects of his other activities. However, few if any state: activities can be relied upon to follow this model. Information-security is also a form of inverted preception: signals are selectively guarded, and others not, in accordance to values of the observed/observer. This shielding then falls on an axis: 7 Total Selective _ ' Total Candor Persuasion Revelation Secrecy the poles of which are never seen in the real world. A separate axis has to do with fabrication — be it of communications signals, objects, or events [e.g. ‘theatre']. The dividing line that distinguishes lying from selective revelation is hard to define — e.g., when the contextual details of: events are under discretionary control. It is a truism that embarrassing news :‘ories are leaked on weekends: is that a fabrication? In analysis, the focus should not be on deception (lying), but on preception —- i.e., all the measures that Murphy might be using in his self-consciousness that we are watching. Perhaps the commonest strategem is for a human agent to tell the truth with the design of enhancing his credibility or his naivete, “ ve which is preceptive in so far as it is not « pappaver his standard behavior whilst unobserved. . Aue ee Other axes of the means of preception concern the use of overt vs. covert channels. The latter implies interception suspected by Murphy: this is then turned into a means of controlled communication to the observer. In this context, it may even be more credible; there are historic examples where TRUTHS have been intentionally Conveyed by covert channels, open displays having been skeptically dismissed. Where large investments have been made to penetrate such channels, there is a dangerous bureaucratic incentive to minimize Murphy's bo oh, chances of turning them for the whole range of preceptive activities. © © ew east It is just here that the truth/deception dichotomy may be the most 37). > We we costly. The chief problem that Murphy faces is in getting feedback — about his efforts: but we can hardly afford to be too complacent about ~ his ability to penetrate our own channels both in the . ce execution of preceptions and in providing informational support for his larger frame. Damage assessments of discovered breaches should include this agenda. TC Historically, human agents have been notorious vehicles of