. icecderbeng 189 West llth Avenue Columdtss 10, Ohio July 7, 1949 Dr. Joshue Lederberg Department of Genetics Univ. of Wigsonsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Dr. Sernard Davis has written to me about your generous offer to let me spend some time in your laboratory late this summer, to get advice and experience preparatory to studying recombination of virulence factors in (2) meningococcus. My chief concern at the present is the choice of the organism, and if seeing you would help me with that decision I would want to see you before I start my work, which was to be early in August. Since I have only 10 months in which to complete my experimental work before returning to medical school, I would rather not postpone the work until September. I shall be in Columbus until July 31, and the most con- venient time for me to go to Madison would be immediately after that. Will you please le t me know if you will be in MMdison on August 1, and how long you would want to stay around? I would consider the trip worthwhile if I could spend & Single daywith you, Sincerely yours, Ldn Clb Gordon Allen