THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Joshua Lederberg UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR May 30, 1997 Dr. Wm. J. McGuire Dept. Psychology Yale University Dear Dr. McGuire J I enjoyed your article in AR Psych "Creative hypothesis generating in psychology: some useful heuristics" It was particular fun to see the examples. Where is the work-book material you alluded to? My riposte is an almost unreadable article, enclosed. You probably don’t want to see more about DENDRAL, but that is available if you like. One of these days I will try to deconstruct your recipes into the systematic (irredundant, exhaustive) matrix I advocate, which has some affinity to your 26-29. And as a geneticist, of course, I always have recourse to J-30: I would ask, what are other possible meta-theories of comparable scope to evolution? One that occurs to me is developmental/epigenetic. And one thinks of what disciplines like economics might have to offer. (I often role-play what I think a range of my colleagues across the camnpus would do if they were confronted with the data I had collected; or what data would they be seeking. Or what style different national cultures or funding agencies would be demanding.) ours si y; a Lederberg email: Sysigbet 2/88 WwW xs VG)2 197