(oda ste LB Ha bo Aa pne tt fo USDA oad 1420 Cony Arg N +7: TTA ES ea SE NY THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY t Dectt. — Neted. 154 worked out and the homogentisic acid isolated and identified many years before. Our idea — to reverse the procedure and look for gene mutations that in- fluence known chemical reactions — was an obvious one. It followed logically from the concept that, in general, enzymatically catalyzed reactions are gene- dependent, presumably through genic control of enzyme specificity. Although we were without doubt influenced in arriving at this approach by the antho- cyanin investigations, by Lworr’s demonstrations that parasites tend to become specialized nutritionally through loss of ability to synthesize sub- stances that they can obtain readily from their hosts (18), and by the specula- tions of others as to how genes might act, the concepts on which it was based developed in our minds fairly directly from the eye-color work EpHrussi and I had started five years earlier. The idea was simple: Select an organism like a fungus that has simple nutri- tional requirements. This will mean it can carry out many reactions by which amino acids and vitamins are made. Induce mutations by radiation or other mutagenic agents. Allow meiosis to take place so as to produce spores that are genetically homogeneous. Grow these on a medium supplemented with an array of vitamins and amino acids. Test them by vegetative transfer to a medium with no supplement. Those that have lost the ability to grow on the minimal medium will have lost the ability to synthesize one or more of the substances present in the supplemented medium. The growth requirements of the deficient strain would then be readily ascertained by a systematic series of tests on partially supplemented media. In addition to the above specifications, we wanted an organism well suited to genetic studies, preferably one on which the basic genetic work had already been done. Neurospora. As a graduate student at Cornell, I had heard Dr. B. O. DoncE of the __New York Botanical Garden give a seminar on inheritance in the bread mold Neurospora. So-called second division segregation of mating types and of albinism were a puzzle to him. Several of us who had just been reviewing the evidence for 4-strand crossing over in Drosophila suggested that crossing over between the centromere and the segregating gene could well explain the result. DopcE was an enthusiastic supporter of Neurospora as an organism for genetic work. “It’s even better than Drosophila”, he insisted to Tuomas Hunt MORGAN, whose laboratory he often visited. He finally persuaded MorcAN