THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Joshua Lederberg UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR-emeritus August 4, 2002 Dear Vartan Thank you for responding to me about Muslims in America. I was confident that was an issue you would pay very close attention to. Also, thank you for Alan Rosenberg’s paper on BW/ Carnegie Challenge 2001. It is laudable to support strengthening the verification provisions of the BWC. But it is a joke to confuse verification with enforcement, Formal inspection procedures will do little to add to our knowledge of violators. What hindrance have they/would they offer to Saddam’s continued pursuit of BW? UNSCOM was all over Iraq for years, and only acquired really relevant information after Khamel’s defection. What’s missing is a strong international consensus to enforce the BWC against known violators! We are being left with two dangerous and unpalatable alternatives -- to do nothing, or for the US to wage war unilaterally against Iraq. To some degree, to put all the fuss into enhancing the verification protocols, and to paint the US as a morally equivalent perpetrator, may actually be a mischievous distraction. These are tough questions, and perhaps no one can come up with answers, but I would commend your program directors to clarify their thinking, and at least spark the effort. As always, ours sincerely, oshua Lederberg Le Geum ¢ Pore, Canney! Op