March 9, 1955 Dr. E. A, Adelberg Dept. of Bacteriology University of California Berkeley 4, California Dear Ed: Thank you for bringing your post=doctoral opportunity to my attention, There is in fact a recent graduate in this department who very well might be superbly qualificd for an appointment in this area, Before I fo into this 2on- sibility with him in any great detail, however, I wonder if you could give me some clarification on a couple of points, Firstlye-is the tenure of the ap- pointment necessarily limited to one year, or would there be reasonable op vor~ tunity for further security or eventual promotion? Second--exactly how far co you mean to go in prescribing the areas of research in which the fellow should be interested? Would you proseribe an interest in any related area if the fellow were still in a position to advise or push your own program as well” Exactly what area of research would you have in mind? The person I have in mind is Dr. “. L. Morse, who would be too good a researcher to accept an entirely subdominant role in the delineation of his research problems, He would, however, be such an outstanding asset to any program in microbial genetics of bacteria including its biochemical angles, that IT would not want to put him out of the picture for you without at least some further discussion, I am enclosing: an abstract which may help indieste the kind of research which constitutes nis Ph.D. thesis, Yours sincerely 3 Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Ju Ime Enel, fi, .