:,$w! T/82.charts _951005 .ps 14 .vs 18 .ft B .ce 2 MAPPING THE FRONTIERS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY DISCLAIMER I have been given the task of reviewing the available technology. Much of it is sweet science fraught with fabulous opportunity when appropriately applied. Please do not assume that I espouse the hasty and unconsidered application of any of these technologies. My purpose is to bring them to your attention. /s/ Joshua Lederberg .bp .ce 3 MAPPING THE FRONTIERS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY .ps 12 Emphasis on Technological Application .ps 14 Innovations in scientific base \(bu gene discovery \(bu gene splicing, transplantation in bacteria, yeast, plants, animals Innumerable industrial production opportunities TPA, erythropoietin from bacteria, yeast Human antibody globulins in seed proteins, milk \(bu New analytical technologies PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction can detect single molecules Matrix Arrays - Chips with 100 x 100 = 10,000 probes in one test Combinatorial chemistry and hi-thruput selection \(bu reproductive technologies (other mammals and human) Artificial insemination In vitro fertilization Fertilized ova frozen and transplanted Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Inoculation ICSI; even spermatids Embryonic stem cells Cloning Transgenic plants and animals .bp .ce Human applications -- diagnostic and analytical \(bu gene discovery insights into pathogenesis -- esp. cancer, heart disease Nature- Nurture controversy; entanglement with race New insights: accordion genes, telomeres ... transposable genes and viral mutagenesis genetic hygiene wrt radiation, chemicals, inbreeding \(bu Human Genome Project \(bu reproductive technologies -- all as above Contraception \(bu Polymorphism and its diagnosis Forensics; convicted felons files; paternity; remains Human evolution: primates as close relatives Polymorphisms may be older than human species Drivers of evolution: Disease susceptibility (incl infectious) Global life style: migration, family policy \(bu Carrier and Prenatal Diagnosis preemptive abortion relate to repro' technologies; blastomere diagnosis implications for insurance: from craps to poker .bp .ce Human applications -- interventions \(bu antisense RNA potentials for cancer, restenosis, viral infection, immune disorders \(bu Somatic gene therapy Compare to vaccination Viral, retroviral vectors DNA Problematics -- context specific targetting efficacy durability Greatest Hazard -- we get what we want, as in pharmaceuticals -- mitigation of natural selection \(bu Germ Line therapy Dependence on Human embryonic stem cells What would be sufficiently compelling reason? eugenics as tabu Counter: euphenic program .bp .ce 3 MAPPING THE FRONTIERS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Human applications -- interventions Police in the bedroom \(bu How far do we oversee parental choice in human reproduction Fitness for parenting Obligations and privileges of genetic vs bodily parents Use of alleviating technology for sterility, genetic disorder \(bu What obligations do we have to next generation for rightful life? How enforced?