Seattle T-12; October 27, 1990 (The Transition from Biochemical to Molecular Genetics, HSS mtgs) On February 1, 1944.... SLIDE 1 Avery 2 Wyatt Avery's own understanding O.T. Avery letter to brother Roy ?cited in McCarty Important new idea; foundation of modern molecular biology and biotechnology a) gene is DNA b) use bacteria for new progress in genetics (prior v.v. e.g. 1943) 1) an exptl. assay of "DNA" function OR NUCLEO-PROTEIN 2) specific hypothesis (facit in "directed mutation") gene=DNA 3) use bacteria How it was CON/RE CEIVED conceived - see McCarty received + built upon telling for efficiency of scientific progress pros/cons of participant commentary SLIDES Avery 1944 JL 1/20/1945 CSH 1947.. Harriet there. McCarty 1946 Muller 1947 JL 1951.. Hershey 1953 post 1952 SCI 1945-54... letter to brother bacterial genetics CSH Muller's imprimatur lively discussion W+C presented there +OBI! frequent SLIDES McCarty 1985 complexity of issues JL 1956 JL 1958 NP NP's Return to issues 1 DNA transformation system pn. too hard B. subtilis in late 50's and CaP in 60's transfunction + plasmids--> full blown now shotgun 2 gene=DNA research and unreasonable doubts don't judge by hindsight when should controversy have been closed? when counterproductive? a) diluted interest in chemistry of DNA. Hardly race --> 1953? b) frustration to claimants; inequity of credit; ?try harder c) waste a lot of effort in argument. If had gone on much longer. hazards of premature closure... stop looking for analysis _________________________ Need one "BELIEVE". asif -- <>important than static uncritical belief postscripts of participant observer Nobel Prize for Avery (Mac McCarty) Official history W Stanley role. How he was burned. Back to where to fix the system. Reduce disincentives. encourage more critical theory HoS indisposable for that Future slides: tetranucleotide theory and its discordants WC - Nature 1953; pix them St , Avery, McCarty today - oblit'd. Avery letter to brother Khorana give support DNA sequencing precursor refs (Sapp) - extensive notes re Avery folder on Dubos... ?my review computing models of assimilation new info repl... transcr... Schlenk - 1988 tetranucleotide as stepping stone deoxyribose 1930? DNA as a 4x nucleotide; cf 1931 monograph see Chargoff 1955 1945 mtg ashMCC - was Stanley there?