Dan Lindsley Symposium, UC/San Diego, October 14-15, 1990 What is biological evidence? Summary. SLIDE Cairns, Mittler & Lenski B. Hall DIFFERENTIAL MUTATIONS on induction In fact there is a handful of simple but persuasive examples, at least back to 1973 BROCK 1971 SLIDE ??Does Lac induction enhance DES penetration? muta action? generally (other loci not examined) No effect of IPTG on spontaneous rate Kohno & Roth. I.D. Laci: proflavine Herman & Dworkin 1971 similar Differential Repair ongoing work from Hanawalt lab. Cockayne syndrome, Venema lab Reed & Hutchinson other attr. to replication fork INSERTIONAL MUTAGENESIS Lodge & Berg J Bact 10/90 Tn5 tet transcription Isberg & Syvanan 1982 DNA gyrase needed for Tn5 topo I mutation Pelement - M. Young Retrovirus integration numerous reports Jaevisch reviewed Scherdin from SD state Michael Breindl mouse fibroblast & germ line 1. active genes are targetted 2. insertions near regulatory DNAse-1 hypersensitive therefore lethals SS-DNA (other non B) DNA in vitro deamination of cytosines SS 140 x ds 200 yrs vs 30,000 SLIDE many other mutagens e.g. chloroacetaldehyde On other hand SS-06-MeDNA is not repaired by the suicide substrate Me transferese pathway (Lindahl) mutations stick Hot Spots many kinds CPG (related to methylation) at least in euk.-->transcr control poly (CG) deletions FUCHS related to ZDNA Wells: transcription facilitates Z transition Footprint reagents DNAse 1 Uranyl protein binding psoralen DMS KMn04 Z OSO4 or DEPC SSDNA Site specific -ases epigenetic B subtilis Ananaboena ph variation immunogenesis Yokota 12/89 brain DNA DNA - amplif Mekalanos Roth - growth assumed selective Pesticide? induced DNA amplif Soreq... Culex? Tr - recomb yeast SLIDE gyrase Nal R - gyr A mutants resists. EthDr relaxation ?full methylation? MNNG res. not to MMS EMS presume mostly relaxed overproduction of groEL Wrapup SLIDE Exp paradigm SLIDE * Disadvantage, have only just returned to the lab and no new experiments yet. Glad to anticipate in advance acknowledgments to David Thaler and Ken Zahn, who've just joined me. To talk about genuine plasticity is something of a new departure for me. SO WHAT long shot - hunt for genes this way DRAKE BIBL THANKS TO ORGANIZERS