UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA i DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY March 17, 195) BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh, Mike and I think you should publish the enclosed, with the following suggested changes: Line 2 - "familiarity" improperly used, Line 11 - "experience on this advice" - poor! Line 15 - How many bugs are "10-6 to 107! per ml"? Line 18 - You mean "portion," not "proportion" Lines 19+20 ~ State that "one drop is deposited in the center of each square" before stating that some drops will be found to contain one cell, It sounds now as though you move the drops after examining them, 6) Paragraph 2, line 4 - "Additional fluid" - you mean "broth"? Li fee ho ~~ Thanks for the preview, AS ever, K, A, Adelberg HAAsbn ps a Dine kitter prs ge mee , oad ape wt Males 7 CymrnrserI i Dear Ed, Mile, Roger: Thanks for your coment, which arrived just as I was sending thie revision to Porter. As you will see, just about all of your suggestions have been embodied here. 10~6/ ml was, of course, a misprint but served the useful function of piqueing some and sumiry to comment. The Chinese custom of adding a purposeful blemish to any wrk so there will be no pretense of perfection has som merit! Ed—— If you should still require Y~478 now, or in the future, it can be furhished on request.