‘kG Br OC J.B.S. Haldane is one of the towering figures in the history of 20th century thought. He had no peer in his fore- Sight about the looming developments in genetics, biochemistry and their intersection, His interests spanned the mathemati- cal theory of populations and evolution; the genetic control and kinetics of enzymes; and the prospects of space travel and life on other worlds. His foresight was such that his writings of a half-century ago still have fresh and exciting portents. Above all, he was an unremitting optimist about the human uses of reason and science, a message that has been confounded by ill-informed cartoon images of the evil wizard. “His papers will continue to be used and cited for many decades, and the more likely that they now can be more readily jee accessed. plead |r Verney tthe Ped aks. Voor Mon Getiw Pure-