‘IN, ...2rd to 2 or book writ- t physics and/ on established itute of Phys- be presented in January ¥ a prize of ie first award English and America be- 86 and Octo- cations, con- on Division, . New York, 404, inesota has on of a new the Medical disciplinary School. The i through a M Founda- wo Univer- hief execu- y. The 3M ces Chair Feb 22-26. Radiation Research Society-35th Annual Meeting. At- lanta. Contact: RRS, 925 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19107, (215) 974-3153. QUIEN SABE? | German naturalist Alexander von : _Humbotat is often credited with the. _ following aphorism: ‘There are _ three stages in the popular attitude _ toward a great discovery: first,” oo men doubt its existence, next they deny its importance, and finally. they give the credit to someone - else. "’ Can any reader cite an explicit. original source, whether b yy Humboldt or another?-J.L., New. Yor’ ke ee 2 : e 5 ‘ - aS a ee : Please send responses to éQuien Sabe?, THe scientist, Suite 605, 1101 15th St., NW, Washington, * DC20005. THE SCIENTIST Welcomes your con- tributions to 3Quien Sabe? ff an un- can help. Send your questions to éQuien Sabe? at the above ad- dress. a PEt Ts)