See Hany k eee: @10 CT 1 1973 be [par THE RESTORATION OF THE LIVER By Joshua Lederberg, A.S. V~12 USNR. A thesis in partial fulfillment of the requiraments for the course in cuysiolozy. College of Phys‘oiana and Surgeons, Columbia Univer~ sity. 13 May 1945. ‘Tha main factor that determines the weight of the heart, kidneys, and liver protein is the amount of work these organs are required to verforn,..' (Walter & Addis '39). This doctrine, while a convenient mnemonio for the experimentally discovered - fact of the regulation of the size of these and other orgens, unfortunately provides no insight into the meohanisns by which this weight regulation 4g accomplished. The atudy of the phenome enon of compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid and adrenal glands has resulted in the discovery in the last 15 years of the elaborate mechanisu by which the gize and function of these organs are under the endocrine control of the pituitary body. It is hoped that a similar study of the regulation and restoration of the liver might Lead to some elucidation of the means by which this 4mportant orgen is maintained in its typical proportion to the body as 4 whole, and to the more fundamental problem of the control of growth processes in general. | - The operation of this control isa perhaps nowhere more dram atically illustrated than in the phenomenon of the restoration of the liver after partial surgical ablation. ‘This process is the more immediate subject of this review. This history of liver restoration, and the polemies on certain histological aspects of it have been reviewed elsewhere in gome detail; space does not permit a review of this interesting nistorieal study. (podwyesozky '86, Fishback '29,) | | The anatomical arrangement of the lobes of the rat liver permits of the ready removal of 70 t. 3% ; the median and left lateral lobes constituting this proportion of the total liver mase- « 2 Within 10 days after partial hepatectomy, the rest (1.e., the in« $aot liver mass) growa to reach the original weight of the entire liver! (Higgins & Anderson '3la.) In the rabbit, 20% of the Liver oan reatore the whole (ponfick 190). Fig.1,2 from Hieggine and Anderson's and Brues! (Brues et al 36a) data respectively demonstrate the rate of weight restoration of the liver. The most generally used basis of measurement is the ratio of liver-weight to body | weight, This standard assumes that the ‘normal growth! of the organ is an automatic proseas that is independent of the phenomenon under atudy, a conception that 1s perhaps erroneous. The variation of ‘the body weight over the duration of most experiments or ag a result of oneration is too slight, however, to vary the picture of what happens. These observations indicate that tere is a ravid increase in weight after operation which 1a negatively accelerated, the wt. dnoréase tapering off rather markedly after 5-7 days. In Higeinb! serics, the wet-weicht owershoots the normal level, while the dry~- weight remains on a plateau at the normal weight. Brues, however, report a slightly lower plateau. These differences are probably not statistically aignificant. While Higgins claims that there 1s a oyclic variation in the rate of restoration, the data again are not sufficiently refined to allow of such interpretations of dew Viatione of individual points on the weight~-time curves, although the results as a whole are unassailable. | . The bugaboo of all growth measuremente is the problem of what index to use, While perhaps most convenient, weight changes do not adequately demonstrate our intuitive concept of growth. The weipht of the liver is extraordinarily labile under different ~3-= dietary conditione, and hae furthermore a highly variable fot content. (Addis et al '36, Luck '36) Furthermore, calculations from data on Liver weights and fat content under different dietary conditions -{noluding oholine deficienoy (Handler & Bernheim '45) indicate that the deposition of one gm. of fatty acid 1s associated with an ine Grease in liver weight of three grams. ¥et, the deposition of fat be not ordinarily regarded as 'growth'. The role of the liver as the ‘commisariat'of the body' makes partioularly agdifficult an estim-+ ‘ation of what constitutes ite gwowth. A criterion that has been used is celleincrease, a process that is, as we shall see, not ale ways correlated with weight-inorease. Bruee, et al ("36) have made direct studies on cell number in restor= ing rat livers. Their results are summarized in Fig. 3. except that there ig no appreciable increase in cell»enumber during the first _Gay = after overation, the cell increase parallels the weight restor- “ation of the liver. In starved animals, however, the weigit plateaus at about the second day, whereas the cell-increase ig not appreciably “aitferent from the fed controls. (fig. 3) This suggests the greater | ‘guitability of thie oriterion. In this paper analyses are reported which indicate that the material taken in during the first day of restoration ta low in nitrogen. Thig material hag been shown to ‘be Lpoid {Handler and Bernhein 43) Female rats, in partioular are prone to ‘develop fatty livers after partial hepatectomy. The basis of this condition has not been established. Brues réports that a fatty diet retards cell-restoration well below that of faated controls, a fact of some Olinical significance. (Ravdin et al 43.) “The importance of diet in restoration will be discussed in more dou ‘tail below. o~ & aw To explain the phenomenon of restoration, Higgins, Mann and their soworkers at the Mayo Foundation have suggested that the ‘portal blood plays an important role. On the assujmtion that the influx through the mesenteric arteries le relatively constant, *the volume of blood which is delivered to any hepatic remannant efter partial hepatectomy determines largely the extent of its restoration.! (Higgins, et al., '32.) They promose that the dimine ution in the siae of the liver inureases the flow to the remant , which is responsible for the hyperplasis. More recently, Mann ('40) has suggested that the presence of some substance in the portal blood only, or vascular pressure in the Sinusoids may be factors. | ‘In support of this hypothesis, the Mayo group have reported @ nume ber of interesting experimenta. } Stevhenson ('33) placed a loose ligature around the rortal vein in the rat, partially obstructing if, and determined the weight restoration after artial hepatectomy. Only two-thirds of the amount reported above by Higgins and Anderson was found. Where Llarse cole lateral vessels were apparent, the extent of restoration was normal. From this one may conclude that a normal portel clroulation is neo» essary for restoration. In dogs, partial hepatectomy two months after the establishment of an Eck fistula resulted in no signs of weight restoration. The effect of the Eck fistula in the dog is a -§0% atrophy of the liver with central fatty accumilation,. (Mann et al '3la) | | — = 7 - The venous anatomy of the domeatic fowl 1s unique in the : Coe ts existence of a larce ensstonausig between the portol and coval ~ drainsges via thacolocygeoemesenteric vein, Studies on this animal indicate a slighs, 4f any, degree of waight restoration after the «» Bo partial hepatectomy. (Higgins et al 33.) This 4s ascribed to the drainage away from the portal vein through this anstomosis of excess blood after partial hepatectomy. If the vena cava is ligated above the renal veine, the extent of weight restoration is increased con= . giderably (60%) over controls. In fact, the ligation alone, which would deliver an increased volume of blood to the liver is reported to induce a gize inorease in four cases. These studies were, unfore tunately, based on weight determinations alone, subject to the crit- 4oisms above. Furthermore, transference of concepts from the fowl to the mammal 46 not immediately Justified. In conflict with these results, (Crechowitsch '36). complete restoration in the fowl and dove after partial hevateotomy haa been reported but the published data here are partioularly inadequate. Finally, Mann has succedded in estebligshing an open portale caval lateral anastomosis in the dog. (Mann '40). In five cases, wt. restoration was reported to be less than in the control animala. the basis of oompsrigon is, as usual, liver weight, body weight, and the assertion ig made that for 200 animals, this ratio was 0345. The veriance of this mean value is not given, however, so that statq istical evaluation of his resuite is impossible. . It would be most desirable to have a demonstration in the rat of the effect of an increased hevatio portal blood flow on . nitotic rates or celleinorease in the liver. Apparently for obvious technical reasons, a reverse Eck fistula has not been reported for this (email) animal. | | | While the Mayo group hag undoubtedly demonstrated a close relationship between the weight of the liver and an intact portal _ Gupply, the latter being a neosessary condition for weight restoration » 6 = measurements on blood flow in partially hepateatomized animals heve not been recorted, and the proportional inorease to the hepatic rem- nant is entirely suppositicus. Ponfick (290) observed the temporary mesenteric congestion that follows partial heratectomy, but rejeota this as a cause of restoration on the basis of its transience. On the other hend, the liver ig no passive container of blood, but Wakim and Mann ('42) have themselves demonstrated, by the tranglumination technique of Knisely, that circulatory activity in the liver 1s intermittent, and apparently under some degree of active control. Thermo-Stromuhr measurements indicate a recirrocal relation between flow in the portal vein and hepatic artery, and that the liv r my alternately store end discharge blood, (Grindley, Herrick & Mann 41.) An elabor:- te 'sluice-valve mechanism has been shown to regulete portal flow in the liver (Deysach '41.), and the hepatic flow can be influ. enced by sympatho= and parasympethomimetic Grugs (Wakim '44) as well as by symmethetio stimulation (Griffith and Emery '30) In view of | these researches, the statue of the liver circulation in pertial- - hepatectomized animale, and its relation to restoration must etill be regarded as unsettled. Further studies alao show the unreliabile ity of weight data. | a | As a basis for a hypothesis of liver restoration, its mode “4fteation and simulation by experimental techniques must be considered. Such influences as diet and hormonal regulation have been studied. In inanition, the kiver loses more weight proportionally then any other organ, or than the body as a whole. ‘While it has been suggested that this represents a utilizetion of the liver mate erlalg for the rest of the organism, experiments have been reported which may indloate that the situation is not so simple. (Jackson '15 Addis, et al '36) In the rat, the weight of the liver can be reduced to 40 a of ite normal size by fasting (10 days). If a partially hep} atectomiged animal is fasted, the remnant, in this 30 %, inoreases to the 40 % of the intact, starved animals. These authors conclude that the reduction in mass of the liver in stravation is due orimare Aly to a reduced liver requirement in the starved animal. The partioular funotion of the liver that is to be maintained is not {ndicated, nor the mechanism by which a changed ‘functional demand! ean modify liver size. (Rous & McMaster '24.) Brues et 91 (loc.olt.) have shown that the cellular increase is not diminished in cshese atarved enimals, so that the functional demand that controls liver gize and that controle cell-increase are not indentical. This mule tiplicetion of hypothesis perhaps calis for Oosam's Razor. Roust results can perhaps be interpreted by postulating that cartial hepe atectomy induces some stimulus to hepatic growth, irrespective of. nutritional condition. In order to demonstrate that the relation of Liver size to portal flow is not comparable to ita dependence on food intake, cytological studies or cell counte must be revorted from rat livers in which the portal blood haa been diverted, and this has not been done. . . The liver oan be enlarged by varicus dietary doniitions, euch ae casein refeeding (Luck '36). 5ince no particular frection of the liver has been shown to be inoreased, it hag been assumed that an actual ‘protoplasmic! inerease has ocourred, hile cell eounts have not been made, 4t apvears that there is a hypertrophy | rether than a hyperplasia of the liver cells. Weight increases: are most marked on feeding dried liver or kidney, which hss been wo T« interpreted as due to nucleic acid content, a conclusion of vart- 4oular interest in view of Marshek's recent observations (see below.) (Welter and Addig '39) The optimun diet for liver weight restoration 1s one ‘high in caloric content, high in carbohydrate, adequate in protein, Bup~ plememted with vitamins and low, but not lacking in f-t.' (Mann '43-). Other local conditions can modify the rate of restoration, Of these, the effeot of obatructing the hepatic duct 1s perhaps of the grectest olinical interest. Ligation of the-duct in the rat (where there is no gall biedder) leads to an enlargement of the liver, which may subside if the potency of the duct is reestablished with solution of the ligature. Otherwise the aninels do not survive longer than four weeks. If partial hepatectomy is verformed immed- feately after the obstruction, there is an apparent hypertrophy, even more racid then in normally restoring llvera. Microscople examinae tion reveals, however, thet this hypertrophy is cue to a distension with RBC and retained bile. ‘This 18 accompented iby fibrotic changes, a petholosical picture accepted by some as ‘biliary cirrhosia. ! qrere 4g no evidence of cell-proliferetion as in normal restoration. (Hisgins & Anderson '33.) In the dog, survival after cholaecysteoe tomy end obstruction is muoh longersprobably indefinite if the animal is properly nursed, One to seven weeks leter there are no merked - histolosical changes, but restoration does not occur (on ae weight basis) after partial resection. However, the presence of an increased number of mitotio figures in the parenchyma is reported. Concurrently there was apparent engorgement of the ginusolds. (Mann '3lb.) In this animal there is evidently less damacre to the liver parcnchyma after obstruction then in the rat. The nature of this ‘damage’ is not sufficiently well understood to allow this effect to be fitted in to any of. the theories of liver restoration. Theat biliary obstruce tion does limit the'growth potentialities’ of the liver parenchymal calle is indicated by work on transvlents. At best, autotransplanted liver cells do not survive very well. Although the graft may take for a tice, the parenchymal cells typically disintegrate efter 1-2 weeks, leaving a branching network of bile-duct cells which may. persist considerably longer. (Cameron '36, Loeb '18, Otsuka '39.) If the transplants are taken from livers that have already been obstructed, survivel of the greft 1s very muoh curtailed, on obstruction of more than three days being critical. If the liver is obstructed efter the groit 1g taken from the liver, the resulting jeundice doss not influcnce the hepetio trensplant. (Cameron '25.) Bile duct celis proliferste in all circumstences, Expepimental cirrhosig induced in the rat by acministre-. tion of CCl4 ner os algo limits the extent of restoeration, few restorative signs being seen if a fibretic atrophy hes elrosdy oG- curred. (Mann et al '3le.) Thet the rechanism of liver restorstion has broken down in the cirrhotic animal is fairly clear, since in the early course of experimentel oirrhocis, destruction by chemicals of masses of liver parenohyma is following by their reple.cenent by the mitotic proliferation of und:meged cells, a nrocess that is analagoug to restoration after surgical resection. When thig rew placement does not occur, cirrhosis is established, (Schultz et al 493, Mann'43). The newly restored liver 4a less sensitive to the administration of CHCl, and CCly, and more sensitive to Phosvhorus poisoning than is the normal ret liver. Tha pethology of the lesions is however the same. (Andargon '53, Lacquet '33, Love '35.) -~ 9m» Sone attempts have been made to demonstrate an endocrine control of restoration, but they have so far been quite inconclusive. The effects of hypochysectomy have been investigated by the Heyo workers in relation to weight restoration, and by others with celle counts, in the rat. (Higging & Ingle '39, Franseen et al'33.) The weight restoration is markedly diminished by hyponnysectomy verformed 1 week prior to the liver operation. Thia may be largely a metter of appetite. Hypophysectomized animals regenerated ‘27° of the weight of the liver which regenernted in the adequately fed controls. ! Rnimals which were neired-fed with the hypophysectomized rata rerene erated '40;: of that which regenerated in those animals which te as ‘much as they wished,' The significence of this difference is not clesr, but it is epvarent that enorexia is the major factor in Gime Inighiug welght restoration. Frenseen restricted the diet of his | controls so thet thelr weicht was ccomperatie to the hypophysectome ized enimcle, end found no significant dirference in the weight restoretion. Furthermore, mitotic rates and cell-counts were not variable between hypophysectcmized, semi-starved and normal rots after hevatecony. The results of these independent observetiong demonstr:te thet, unlike the control in other glands such ae the thyroids and gonads, the hypophysis does not play an importent | role in meGiating the compensatory hypertrophy of the diver. | One week, however, is not long enough to allow involution of the >ite uitary-controlled glands in the rat, so that Lhese experimants do not disallow endocrine control by other organs. In contrast to the lack of effect of removal of the pitue itary, the administration of pituitary extracts has been shown ta cGeuse £ merked increase in the size of the liver. here is sone evidence that this 1s mediated through the thyroid. The administration - 10 - of a grow thehormons preparation, < units daily for 1-16 days led to an increase in liver wieght, absolutely and pr portionately of z2bout 20%. This wes accompanied by increase in Callecount of about 18%, which wes atetistically significant. Feeding influenced the size of the liver cells, and of the total liver wieght, but did not affeot Liver cell number. The magnitude of this increase was not such a8 gould be reflected in mitotic rates, and colohicine was not used. Tis observation if {mportant because it demonstrates thet a ‘true growth' has taken place, and that the inerensé in liver weight is hyverplastic, somparcble to the regenerating liver. Since cell-in- crease will occur in hypophysectomized restoring livers, this efirest of APL either plays no vole in normal restoraticn, or plays on sone other ‘step in the canin or events that controls restoration. (Lee & Freeman '40.) Fraenkel-Gonrat (et. al. '42) have examined the effects of a series of rakatively purified pituitory preparations on the Liver weight of hypophysectomized fats. ine freotions ugeu azd lactogenic, ACT, Somatotrophic, Thyrotrophic, ICSh and PO activities. Of these fractions, only the growth and thyrotropnic hormone active ones caused significant ancreases in liver weicht. The grovth hormone fraction, furthermore, had an hepatotrophic activity compureble to its thyrotroohie action, 40 that these authors rostulate that the thy- roftrophic action,is that which is responsible for the increase in liver ressure, kidneys, urinery bladder and livers of crowing _ dogs. Brues, A.M. J Physiol 868: 63-4 1936. ‘he efrect of colchicine on regenerating liver. Brues, A.M., DR Drury, & M.C. Brues, Arch Path 22: 658-73 1938. A quantitative study of cell growth in regenerating liver. Brues, A.M. & B.B. Marbel J Exp Med 65: 15-27 1937. An analysis of mitogia in liver restorations. Cameron, G R, J Path Bact 41:1 283-8 1935. Liver regeneration and biliary obstruction. & C. L. Oakley J Path Bact 38: 17- 1984 Trenge plentation of the liver. Deysteh, L. J. 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Anderson, et al J Pharm Exp Th 79; 62 '43 Partial hepateotony (ph) and quinine destruction rata. Beams & King An Reo 83: 281-97 '42 Binucleate celle after ph. Biesels Cano Res 41 52 '44 Polytene chromsomes after ph. Boczetti & Mazzooca Rev Soc arg de biol 15: 2865 '39 Fatty liver ‘after ph. | Brues et al JB0 155: 619 '44. Nucleio ao turnover. Burk, 5ymp Resp Enzymes, Wis, '42 235, Clycolysis, comparison with tumora,. Chargaff, et al JBC 1343 508 1940. Phosphatide turnover, Copher and Dick Arch Surg 17: 408 '28 Streamlines of flow in portal vein dog. Devidson & Weymouth Biooh J 38: 375=9 '44 Nuoleto ao turnover, Cohen& Behkuis Cano Res 1: 620 '41 Transaminase activity. Collip et al Gan MAJ 33: 689 '35 Fatty liver after ph. aolun ZC GR 800 Biol 101: 208 '29 Siyoogen content. Degmareis et al Rev Cah “401 2; 332 '35 Resistance to cold. Drummond et al J Physiol 83; 236 '35 Carotene content, Fiesingtrr& Loeper, CR Soc Biol 136: 128 '42 “anthine induced Fishback Pr Mayo Clin 3: 363 '28 Prel rev, Fitzhugh 0%, PsEpM 40) 11 '39 Xanthine in liver renaly. Forbes Endo 35: 126 '44 Thyroxine on liver fat. Frazier & Brown Trang Am Ass Study 168 '35, “linieal rela tion} ships thyroid-liver, Greenstein et al US Nat Cano Inst J 3: ? '42. Enzyme activity. ib 3: 287 '42 Creatine and creatinine content. & Leuthardt, 51 111 '44 «Sse and -BH pistribution. Heberlein Zoll Jahrb 48: 169 '30 Restoration in Axolotl. Hiegins et al AJP 102: 673 '32 Diurnal oyole of liver. Jordan & Beans PSEBM 28: 181 'SO Restoration in Triturus. 26. 27. 29. 30. ol. 32. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Kaplan & Chaikoff JBC 116: 665 's6 Glycogen-fat-protein-water relation in liver. MacKay & Carne PSEBM 38: 131 '38 Adrenaleotomy on fatty liver after ph. MoMester & Drury J Exp Med 49: 745-64 '29 Liver insufficiency 4n rabbits after ph. ib. 60: 603 '34. Irreversible changes after hepatectomy. Mahn FO J Mt. Sinal Hogp ll; 165. Review liver functions and restoration. Mann, F.G, Medicine 6: 41S ¢ ‘a9 Review dehepatized animal. Marshak “ Walker AJP 143: 235 '45 Nucl abid turnover. Maver et al USNOI J 2 21277 *49° Proteinase and peotidase activity. Norria et al Arch Path 34: 208 '42 Effeét of age on rate of re= storation; glycolysis. Ooarsnze Gac med Mexico, 71: 447-94 '41 Review restoration. Pickrell & Olay Arch Surg. 48: 257-77 '44, PH in man, 5 cases and review, RL Soo Path Jap. Tr 20: 192 Effect of castration. R-use & Larrimore J Exp Hed 31: 609 '20 Portal blood and liver maintenance, restoration in rabbits. Scheifley & Girgins, AJMS 200: 164-268 ‘40. PH and susceptibility to berbiturates. Schiff J Pharm & Exp Th 70: 334 '40, ph on methemoglobin formation. ‘Schiller & Pinous, Endo 34: 20 '44 ph and estrone metabolism. Snyde# Physiol Rev 22; 54 '42 Review Liver function, fetty liver. 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