Q29 Oct. 3, 1955 Note for MGB BIOTIN REQUIREMENT OF CULTURES DERIVED FROM E. COLI Kel? Strain 58. E, L. Tatum (1945, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci,, 31:215) isolated a mmber of diauxo- trophic mitants from the previously isolated biotinedependent, strain 58, These in- cluded strain 58-161, which originally required biotin and methionine (Be Me), and which has been an important parental stock in recombination studies, Subsequently, the biotin requirement appears to have been lost, apparently by reverse mutation. (Miss Phyllis M. Fried failed to obtain any B~ recombinants in outecrosses, and we have observed no effect on segregation ratios of the addition of biotin to plating media for crosses.) Probably most extant strains of "58-161" are B+eM-, We have designated this reversion of 58-161 as W-6, to distinguish it from the original B-M-, Fortunately, through the courtesy of Mrs. Miriam Bonner, we have secured lyophil tubes of early cultures of these derivatives, and have been able to reisolate BeM- components from them, The following are now available: Yeo BeM-V,” We13 BeM-v,” Yo87 = BeM-V,7 Lace Well BtM-V,* Lace The "Y.87" described by E. M. Lederberg (1952, Genetics 37:69) was doubtless Bie since the BeM- form fails to papillate and produces small colonies on FMB lactose agar (unless extra biotin is added) while a newly reisolated B+M- reversion agrees with the published description of Ys87 as a lactose-mutable strain, The Be allele does not appear to be unusually unstable, but remarkably enough our stock nutrient and EMB agar media appear to be relatively deficient in biotin (or may contain biotin antagonists) so that B+ reversions are eventually selected ovt, The cultures noted are available on request, Other workers who have received these cultures are urged to check their mitrition, if relevant to local needs, and give them the indicated designations. Since the Me marker itself appears to be ab- solutely stable, the Be mutation may be of only incidental importance in most work. Dorothy C,. Gosting and J, Lederberg Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin