G28) I,uU62 TRANSDUCTION MAPPING. The following remarks were instigated by certain data in the mapping of gene sequences in Salmonella kindly furnished for our inspection by Dre My Dems We found that the usual trialeand errex method for analysis of multdnoins - data was especially tedious and therefore ebterpted a move anelyuieol pi «he seme principles may be applicable tc tetrad analysis, We postulate the generally acceptsd modo) (cf. Symposium on Genetic Recombination, Jour. Celle Comp. Physiol... lS, Suppl. 2) that transduction Involves the transfer of 4 linear fragment which then exchanges in some manner with a homologous region of the recipient chromosome, Whether each fragment overlaps all the genes in ths sequence being studied is not crucial for the following discussion, so long as the incorporation of an uninterrupted linear segnent is the principal condition for a frequent exchange types Tao procedures are shown, For the more practical requirements of 3+ and he point tests, tables are presented. A more general, but non-symbolic, procedure is also available for hypothetical, more complex linkage tests. A, Tables for testing transduction map sequences, 3 and he point tests. Instructions: 1, Write down the donor genotype (differential markers only) in any arbitrary BEQUENCE, Coffs We Xt Ye Zeaces 2. Group the experimental results into the rare and frequent classes, 3. Cede these classes as transformations of the donor genotype, The cade "a" means "reverse the sign of the first lecus written", "b" the same for the second, ote, Thus, (as) (WeeToZ~) would be WektYod~, ho The table gives the codes for the mitiple exchange classes (mec) corres= ponding to each sequence, Those models are excluded where frequently found types are included in the mec codes, and vice verea. 5S. The sequence codes can be translated into maps by writing] W XY Zjand trans= posing accordingly. Thus, BCAD would be the map KYWZ, ABCD 6. For the reciprocal transduction, superimpose the operation abed, so that, @ofo, ac becomes bds c becomes abd in the mee codes. Sequence Operator MEC types . as transforms of donor genotype 3-point test ABC b ACB e BAC a hepoint test ABCD b c as be bd. ABDG b ad ad bd be ACBD e b ab te 3=—s ae ACDB e a ag ed be ADEG d b ab ba od ADCB é c ac ed ba BAGD a e be as ed BADG a d ba . ad ae BOAD e a ab ae cd BDAG a a ab ad ed CABD a b be ab ad CBAD b a ac ab ba The complete table can be generated as the permutations of (atbecd!), where a'b = (bto+d) b = bebered and ed! = C(aebee) © acrbore, Be Le Be ce ext? ap Nepolot Goethe» Fer Wich vether than th: ab (NEC) gevotwper. (lasses with vi “LLL be sadd to have ‘ wel eonotypes in the rth renk lexcopt spans, Sactom-transduction ard ren, which correspomis to nonebransduction). Classify frequen’ genclypes according to revit and begin with r=l, Rank a (comlotely Lisi t Follow coding inet: mewn eh te TEC GShOYIOYULG SL he ad tronsduction) should be frecmenth. Iu wank 2, there sheuld ba two types corresponding te the periphers in ranle 2, theve should be 3 frequent types, Gne of these is the cashin of the two peripheral Lscis the other two show the linkage of the pemul faoterss In vank 3, leok for the additional factors associated with she peripherals gust established, Ignere combinations ef factors previcnsiy located, Tn wane bh, and subsequently until all facters are iseated, reposts the same process ac in 5S, Each rank should establish the Leeation of the nest So fectors, starving from the perlphery of the sequence to its cenber, Working oxample for me7?. Informative types in each ranks ave uvierlLined, words i 2 3 h 5 feequant tapes {SEC} a. ae eae ( } acde? & ~~ ad aot ade? acd?s og <= ace acte abdet 2 ande 0 _— Betz ~~» abdex ate Stepss rel Aeseaed ree £Da008G rez &DE,.G2G Henee sequence must be ADEBOIG, and following steps are wel, ADEDGYG to check ormby. wah ADEBGYS The sequence operator [eage, ADEBGFC) is then applied to the arbibrasy gen sequence (VEZ...) to obtein the map order, as owblined in A-S, ine sensideration has te Le given to the Multations impesed by the ack methods on the varlety of genotypes that ean be detected, ‘The inadvertan inclusion of an unlinked factor can be readily detacted by abnormalities in frequencies in runks O and 1, Data from reciprecal. transductions can be readily combined es indicated in Aud, ~ Jo Lederberg and M, Kimura, Department ef Cenetles. University of Wisconsin, Rovember 16, 1955 For Miewroblal Genetbies Pulletin