Q27 MORSE, M. L., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. --Cis~trans position effect in transduction heterogenctes of Escherichia coli.--(ha phage Lambda can transduce a Chromosome fraguen’ which includes a cluster of genee for galactose fernentation. Most of the transformed clones — are "diploid" er heterogenotic for the transduced genes. Many combinations of non-allelic Gal- mutants give galace tose positive heterogenotes as readily as Gal+/Gale, However, some combinations of Gale gave smaller and delayed yields of positive clones. Further analysis disclosed a cis-trans position effect between certain loci. For exe ample, while the cis ++/-— heterogenotes formed by trans- duction from Gal,+0al),+ to Gal,~Gal)- are positive, the trans +~/.+ heterogenotes from the transduction fren Gal;+Galj,- to Galj-Gal),+ are phenotypically galactege negative, In the negetive clones, positive heterogenotes axe later formed by crossing over in occasional colle, Further segregation results in all possible haploid combi- nations, +=-, -+, ++, and ~«, The delayed ylelds that were observed initially are based on these secondary events. Reciprecal transductions have given identical phenotypes, so that in heterogenctes the genes in the fragment are functionally equivalent to the homologeus genes in the chromosome, The galactose positive phenotype thus requires that + alleles be in adjacent positions either in the frag- mont or the chromosome. Reprinted from Genetics, )0:586=587, 1955.