Q26 LEDERBERG, JOSHUA and BRUCE STOCKER, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 4 ant Lister Tneti tate, Lonion, Eng.--"Phenotypic’ transductiong of motility in Salmonella. =—The formation of genetically Stable rast otmed slanss by transduction of genetic fragments from one Salmonella strain te another has been well established for a wide range of markers, including motility. The possibility of scoring the motility of single cells has allowed the detection of a mode of transduction invelving a determinant which is not regularly horitable, Motile celle were individually isolated within three hours of mixing a nomaotile strain with competent phage, Only five percent of the motile initials gave stably motile subclones, usually in mixture with co-segregant par- ental nonmotile celle. Ths remainder formed predominantly nomotile clones containing no more than, at most, 100 motile individuals, Ths latter, when reiselated usually trananitted motility to only one daughter at each suceessive fission as if they carried a non-replicating determinant of motility, The exact nature of these determinants is de- batable: they might be erstwhile genes that had been dan- aged or misplaced, or they might be persistent gene products or both, The nomramion partition of motile pregeny in sub- clones from carly coll lineages suggests two levels of de- termination, either in organization or kind of motdlity~ conferring "particles", The emergence of a motile phenotype and its transmission ts a single chain of descent occurs spontansously in a few cells of certain strains. Reprinted from Genetics, 02581, 1955,