25 LEDERBERG, ESTHER H., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WigoPisiotrony for maltese fermentetion and phage resis~ tence Int Scheriehia coll K-12.-=-iwo Loci, Maly eat Tp0> aye been indepsndently described, Mal) controls maltese fermentations Loe determines resistance to virulent Lambda mutants, Both were known to be linked to § (streptomycin) and usually hemizygous in otherwise heterozygous diploids, Recent evidence suggests that both effects are apparently pleiotropic manifestations of a single locis: 1) Existing gtecks are either Mali“Lpo or Mal; *Lpe*. 2) When these eultures were crossed, Mal*Lpo™ & p28 crossover re- combinants were absent Géspite extensive tests. 3) On EMB maitose agar MaltLoo™ colonies gave Mait reversions whish proved to be Dpsts In turn, Mal~Lpo” reappeared among the resiatant eueeieore after exposure the phage, lambda~2, This mutation cycle was repeated several times in a mumber ef stocks, Occasionally mutants resistant to lambda-2 ware naltese~positive, These were tested by crosses with Mal,“Lpe" and ascribed to mitation at any of several other eet: Wenetically distinctive maltose-negative mutants have been found with unaltered phage susceptibility. The pleiotropy has elgo been noted in a gecom, probably non= allelic mutant phenotypically identical with Malj“Lpo" at 37° and Mal: bee at 30°, The dual effects aré there- fore aesoc “at Gio loci, and soparated at others. All the Male mutants ferment glucose, and are presumably blectsd in tho cingle amylomaltese enzyme. Preliminary attempts to uncever the possible physiological basis of the correlation have been unsuccessful, The addition ef either meltose or amylose to the medium had no influencs on the phage reaction. Reprinted fvom Genetics, 102580581, 1955.