Q22 MORSE, M. L. (Introduced by M. R. Irwin.), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.--Iransduction of certain loci an Escherichia coli K-]2.--Lysogenicity for the phage lambda is determined by a muclear gene closely linked to a cluster of loci affecting galactose fermentation (Lederberg and Lederberg, Genetics 38, 51), A small fraction of the cells in galactose-negative cultures can be transformed to fer~ menters by lambda lysates from positive, or from non- homologous negative, cells. The interactions between cells and lysates are concordant with allelism tests by crossing. With excess assay cells the number of transformations is proportional to the amount of lysate added, with an effici- ency of about one transduction per million plaque forming particles. Most transformed clones are unstable for galace tose fermentation and contime to segregate galactose negative cells after many single colony isolations, When Gal,” cells are transformed with wild type lysates the negative segregants from the "heterozygous" positives are Gal)“. When Gal,” cells are transformed with a lysate of Galo” cells, the negative segregants are usually Galy~, occasionally Galo", ani rarely Gal,"Galo~. Similar results have been observed with various combinations of Gal), Galo, and Galj,. Exceptional jysates transduce with an efficiency greater than 107+, These lysates are capable of (1) transforming a large fraction of a cell population, (2) transducing Gal- as well as Gal* alleles, and (3) showing that adsorption of lambda to a cell is necessary, but not sufficient for transformation, The phage here, as in Salmonella (Zinder and Lederberg, J. Bact. 64, 679), acts as a passive vector of genetic material. Other loci tested, not linked to Gal, are not transduced by lambda, Reprinted from Genetics, 39298h<5, 195).